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fiction-factory, // I say it because i believe it's true,//

In that case, rather than making a statement that could easily be misconstrued as a fact, it would help if you added ‘I believe’. Then we’d all be aware that it’s just your assumption. Less chance of misunderstanding when things are clear.

Old_Geezer, human beings may well be of the same species - but ideology most definitely separates them.
douglas - //Mr Hughes, please refrain from comments of a personal nature or better still, keep your thoughts to yourself. //

If you are going to use the medium of irony to make your point, you can reasonably be expected to be challenged on it - so as long as you feel free to make your points, I will feel equally free to make mine.

/// Could it be that 'black on black' doesn't attract some of the usual suspects? ///

/// Who are they who are conspicuous by their silence? ///

Perhaps it is those who failed to post on the thread, when the crime first took place?

This is also aimed at my resident attacker Peter Pedant, who put:

/// also it was muslim on muslim violence which kinda doesnt say anything to people like AOG. ///

To both of you I say "look for your contributions at the time":
Glad he got 27 years for killing this kind, peaceful man. Gutted that this monster has lots of supporters, but sadly, not surprised.
What a fantastic sentence.

Well done that judge.
I'm glad that this murder is being used by certain people to score points.

That's exactly how the killing of this poor man should be used.

And anyone who says that some people on AB should be ashamed of themselves is wrong.

They are not pathetic, and they are certainly not using this story to bolster any agenda (hidden or otherwise).
I would say that in this instance the sentence for justified.
One reads these threads and then realise why some contribute less and less.

I am glad this murderer has been jailed and also sickened that there are others who think he was justified in his actions.
Question Author
Wow ... the way some posters ignore or dismiss the attitude of the Killers family and friends says so much.

Is it cos he is Ahmadiyya?

All parties in this tragedy would view themselves as good muslims. The circumstances of this story prove that it cannot be true.

The media (and others) are very fond of referring to Muslims as if they were a single homogenised unit, all viewing the Koran in the same way and behaving accordingly. This dreadful episode gives lie to that.

I know which particular branch/sect of Muslims I would want living next to me.......those would be the ones like Asad Shah.
There is this chap called Ali Sina, a former Muslim now living in Canada, who doesn't believe there is much difference between any Muslims of whatever strain. He lists references to Muhammad's actions and offers $50,000 to anyone who can disprove his charge that Muhammad was "a narcissist, a misogynist, a rapist, a pedophile, a lecher, a torturer, a mass murderer, a cult leader, an assassin, a terrorist, a madman and a looter". Nobody has been able to claim it yet.
“With violent conquest and contempt for non-believers central to the tenets of the faith,” Sina argues, “attempts to forge a moderate form of Islam are doomed... The only way to reform Islam is to throw away the Koran; 90 percent of it should be thrown away. You also have to throw away the history of Islam, and you have to completely disregard the Sira – the Arabic term used for the various biographies of Muhammad, from which historical information about his life and the early period of Islam is derived.”
Naomi- okay, I'll admit I know I am right when i say. I know you can't prove the converse.

Douglas- your sarcasm falls flat because as far as I can see no-one has said or implied that " all muslims are good"

Talbot - you said " the way some posters ignore or dismiss the attitude of the Killers family and friends says so much". Any posts/posters in particular as I must have missed them?
Khandro - //There is this chap called Ali Sina, a former Muslim now living in Canada, who doesn't believe there is much difference between any Muslims of whatever strain. He lists references to Muhammad's actions and offers $50,000 to anyone who can disprove his charge that Muhammad was "a narcissist, a misogynist, a rapist, a pedophile, a lecher, a torturer, a mass murderer, a cult leader, an assassin, a terrorist, a madman and a looter". Nobody has been able to claim it yet.
“With violent conquest and contempt for non-believers central to the tenets of the faith,” Sina argues, “attempts to forge a moderate form of Islam are doomed... The only way to reform Islam is to throw away the Koran; 90 percent of it should be thrown away. You also have to throw away the history of Islam, and you have to completely disregard the Sira – the Arabic term used for the various biographies of Muhammad, from which historical information about his life and the early period of Islam is derived.” - //

Interesting - but only one man's view, no more or less valid than anyone else's.

Offering money to 'prove' something is an attention-seeking fact that has been used since people knew what publicity (and self-aggrandisement) was.

Publisher Al Goldstein used to publicly offer one million dollars to anyone who could provide proof that a genuine 'snuff' movie had been filmed, and his money similarly remained safely in his bank account.

Free speech means anyone can come out with stuff like this - it doesn't mean it has to mean anything very much at all.
fiction-factory - //Talbot - you said " the way some posters ignore or dismiss the attitude of the Killers family and friends says so much". Any posts/posters in particular as I must have missed them? //

I have also missed them, and await a pointer from Talbot.
fiction-factory, //I'll admit I know I am right when i say.//

You do? How?

//I know you can't prove the converse. //

I haven't tried.
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How many have commented on the video?

Most are more interested in showing how un-racists they are rather than broach the content of the video.

Both you FF and andy hughes have had a go at Douglass for sarcasm yet sp has done the same ... but that's ok because he is in your camp.

Sp himself seems to have a bigger issue with people talking about this horrendous crime than he does about the vile support for the crime from supporters of the Killer..
Talbot - what are you expecting people to say?
I don't know what video you mean, Talbot. Watching videos/reading links.replying is not compulsoryanyway- AB is something to dip into now and again when we want to
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I expect them to infer some posters are racist ... just have they have done.
FF - the twitter link.

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