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Okay...for you I've watched it.

I feel nothing more than I would have felt without watching it (because it had already been reported in other news sources).

However, the calmness with which the first man said, "Asad Shah deserved to die" was chilling.
Khandro - //Ali Sina's claim that;Muhammad was "a narcissist, a misogynist, a rapist, a paedophile, a lecher, a torturer, a mass murderer, a cult leader, an assassin, a terrorist, a madman and a looter".
Is not a point of view it is a statement of fact and can be borne out by a study of passages in the Koran itself. //

You know as well as I do that there are more ways of spinning a religious text to suit an agenda than there are stars in the sky.

That does not make any of the texts 'fact' - or anything approaching it.

At least not if you have a rational approach to them it doesn't.

So no, Mr Sina is not offering 'facts' - he is offering interpretations, and in that he is no different from anyone else.
// By the way PP...that might be the first post of yours that I've understood on first read through this year. //

but I am not so lucky when I read yours Sp ! ( ter daah !)

stochastic terrorism - what is that exactly ?
[ stochastic dear reader - well you dont want to know - it is a time series where the chance of an event (p) is very low in a time interval (dt) but taken together with very many time intervals, it becomes appreciable (npdt>0)] I have no idea how it fits in with a muslim stabbing s/o 19 times - muslim murder seems all too frequent nowadays

/// I agree there seems to be a lot of the usual suspects around hitting each other with their favourite toys in the sckool
playground ///

Then perhaps it is time you put away your toys, and concentrated on the way to put together words that not only make a number of sentences but also go together to construct a post that others can understand.

/// We have people making stuff up on AB all the time. ///

Are you referring to what Peter Pedant put below? If so go steady on him, it seems you are having quite a go at our Peter today.

*** o and by the way - who is gonna look after the wife and three kids whilst he is in chokey ? I have to say that thought typical of AOG did cross my mind ***

Tell me if you understand this one of Peters, because I am sure I don't.

/// stochastic terrorism - what is that exactly ?
[ stochastic dear reader - well you dont want to know - it is a time series where the chance of an event (p) is very low in a time interval (dt) but taken together with very many time intervals, it becomes appreciable (npdt>0)] I have no idea how it fits in with a muslim stabbing s/o 19 times - muslim murder seems all too frequent nowadays ///

I usually skate past Peter's posts because I don't understand them.

Analysis isn't moving the debate on, so maybe those in our position can do what I do, and maybe you should do, and then we can address the OP.
//the issue is that virtually no one on AB knows diddly squat about Islam//

OK, Peter, if your statement is valid then you at least must know something about the subject, yes?

So a question for you: do you think it would be useful if people were better informed about Islam? That would include those people who KNOW they know nothing about it, but most especially those people like me who THINK (or, if you wish, PRETEND) they know something, but have got the wrong end of the stick.

In the interests of educating the latter special needs group can you offer us any useful materials (books, articles, YouTube videos, web-sites, or whatever) which will correct our misunderstandings? These are some of my contentions which are in most need of an informed, factual rebuttal:

Jihad (establishing Muslim dominance) is a scriptural mandate.
Sharia is incompatible with democracy, free speech and human rights. , these two points could be true, but nonetheless irrelevant if the Islamic world had outgrown its desert origins, BUT - and this is my third contention:

Large numbers of Muslims (including the diaspora) who are not terrorists believe in both of the above in pretty much the same way they were preached and practised by their Prophet.

fiction-factory, // would Tom Khan have persuaded me that the the views of the killer's supporters were not sickening?//

No, because that wasn’t the main thrust of his comments – but you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t bother to look at the link.
Correct. I said i hadn't watched the link. It isn't compulsory is it. i just wondered if it was worth watching but it seems for me it wasn't.
If someone just says 'watch this' but gives no synopsis I don't usually bother. I did say the response of the killers' family and supporters (which i saw on the news) was sickening- is that a problem?
Question Author
So you have watched it now?

And what news did you see the clip on?
No. Is this the Spanish inquisition?
I saw the BBC news clip.Same as yours I think. Don't know/care what other video you mean
Question Author
A 56 second clip ... Sounds like bloody mindedness to me.

Question Author
I just hope the Taxi firm goes bust

Who would let these bigots drive them anywhere ...
// I usually skate past Peter's posts because I don't understand them. //
Andie Hughes

and I usually skate past Andie Hughes post because I DO understand them

dear oh dear - it was a definition of stochastic .... [ adjective technical
having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.]

have fun boys
fiction-factory at 21:38. No problem here. You asked if the video would have persuaded you that the views of the killer's supporters were not sickening, and I said "No, because that wasn’t the main thrust of his comments."
Okay- so when you said "but you wouldn’t know that because you didn’t bother to look at the link" you didn't mean that to sound critical of me.
Anyway, if it would have reinforced what I already knew then I saved myself some time. Thank you for that
fiction-factory, you're welcome. Your choice to remain in ignorance is no skin off my nose.
Apology accepted

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