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Thank you , mikey ... I didn't know that.
In light of that snippet of information, let me correct your post for you EDDIE

Cameron f***** up his nice EU commission job & pension that he was expecting!
So Brits do quit after all.


Without UKIP and Farage there would NEVER have been a referendum!
It was forced on the government when they thought UKIP were going to win a sizable number of seats. If they had realized that UKIP were only going to win one seat they would not have held the referendum.
Well mikey tells me Cameron called the referendum, so it seems logical to me that he was the architect of his own downfall.

Am I right or am I wrong?
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He would not have had anything to do with the fallout anyway, not once he resigned
I suspect he'll be a huge thorn in May's side once free from having to behave himself in parliament
That is a good thing: we do need an opposition
I think history will not be kind to Mr Cameron.

The speed with which his cabinet and his policies were dismantled proves how utterly useless both were, and they do not leave anything of a meaningful political legacy.

The consensus is that he has been shattered by the instant loss of power - and some including me would regard that as hubris.

Cameron offered a referendum smug in the knowledge that the UK voters would follow him, and the singularly smacked his sorry backside.

At least the media will be spared the tedious task of trying to make Samantha Cameron (Sam Cam? O please!!!) either interesting or attractive, when she is really neither.
His career has been remarkably short for a PM, just 15 years in parliament.
At least the media will be spared the tedious task of trying to make Samantha Cameron (Sam Cam? O please!!!) either interesting or attractive, when she is really neither.

Talbot - //At least the media will be spared the tedious task of trying to make Samantha Cameron (Sam Cam? O please!!!) either interesting or attractive, when she is really neither.

? //

The Mail in particular, has run a ceaseless campaign of commenting on Mrs Cameron's 'wonderful' dress sense, and simpering over her 'attractiveness' to the point where one journalist offered the notion that people talk about her being 'attractive' because we think we ought to.

Hopefully, as a non-politician;s wife, she will be spared the on-line garbage of commenting on her 'endless legs' and 'on-show cleavage' - so every cloud and all that ...
Churchill didn't get a peerage either. But yesterday's PMs were lesser men than the modern breed.
Churchill was offered a dukedom but declined as he wanted to remain a 'Commoner'.
I know. Wasn't Thatcher the last to get one? Which is why we now have Sir Mark Thatcher, 2nd baronet. Nothing common about him. Inheritable titles should be banned.
Nothing to do with Lady Thatcher. It was her husband, Dennis, who was created a baronet (hereditary knighthood, not a peerage). Mark inherited the title from his father.
Next England manger after big Sam.
That will be in about 3 games time if the last England performance is anything to go by.
Not sure why Cameron is being referred to as having a "downfall"

I don't recall Mrs T having a "downfall" when she lost the Party Leadership, or Major having one when he lost to Blair.

Cameron led his Party and managed to win 2 elections. While I disagree with most of his policies, he hardly had a downfall. And don't forget that 16,141,241 people voted with Dave, and substantial amounts of Tory MPs did as well, as did MPs of all other Parties did.

Give the man some credit here !
I think it was a downfall mikey.
He got away with one referendum gamble, two was too much.

He'll be rememberered as the PM who backed himself into a hopeless corner over Europe. The consequences of that disastrous tactic may not fully be appreciated for years.
And to top it all, it looks like his Etonian clan has been purged by Theresa Death-Mask, Maidenhead Tories' Watt Tyler, and seen his policies largely systematically dismantled - prison reform, free schools, etc etc
It hardly gets any more humiliating than that.
Ichkeria....Staying in the EU was Tory Party policy, as it was the policy of most other political Partys.

So how could Cameron have campaigned for anything else ? The current Tory PM, Mrs May also campaigned for the same cause, as did most other Tory MPs.

I would have had less respect for him if he gone against his better judgement, and the polices of his own Party, by campaigning to leave.

This link makes interesting reading :::

479 MPs voted to remain, against 158 to leave. Its clear that Cameron wasn't the only one that wanted to stay. We haven't had an Election since June 23rd, so we must assume that all the MPs broadly still think the way they did on June the vast majority still don't want to leave.

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