One Law For The Rich And Another For The Poor? in The AnswerBank: News
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One Law For The Rich And Another For The Poor?

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anotheoldgit | 10:49 Fri 16th Sep 2016 | News
45 Answers

Although this group of useless left-wing hooray Henrys and Henryettas disrupted flights for more than six hours. they left court after only paying court costs of £95 each and ordered not to do it again.

£95????????? that wouldn't pay for a solicitor's email.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Ridiculous considering how much it would have cost the airlines!

We were held up for three hours and were given food and drink vouchers. Problem was I didn't check my emails so didn't find out until I was at my destination....
I haven't read Littlejohn in print for years - he is a pompous wind-up windbag spouting his provocative claptrap from his gated community mansion in America.

Having read this - I know why I don't read what he writes.

Nothing he ever says has a realistic option for changing what he sees as wrong, he simply uses the space to whip Middle-Englanders into a fury about which ever of his hobby horses he is riding today - they are so obvious as to not require direct reference.

The man is an overpaid agitating fool, and his witterings are not worth print, or indeed web-space!
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Andy...your opinion on a £95 fine?
The police even gave one of the protestors a crash helmet in case he fell off his perch.
If the courts can only dish out such a weak punishment, the airlines or passengers should take out a civil case against the protestors and claim compensation for the loss of their holidays etc. That might make future protestors think twice.
237JS > If the courts can only dish out such a weak punishment, the airlines or passengers should take out a civil case against the protestors and claim compensation..

The court can dish out a stiffer sentence but the judge chose not to do so...
237 - hopefully they will do.
I find a lot of pompous wind-up windbags spout provocative claptrap but he’s one who is saying something worth reading. Idiots such as these who clearly have nothing better to occupy their time or their limited brain capacity deserve rather more than a token slap on the wrist with a feather, which is what this result amounts to.
"Useless left-wing hooray Henrys"?
Why 'left-wing'? Even the rabid right-winger, Littlejohn, doesn't claim that.
“I haven't read Littlejohn in print for years - he is a pompous wind-up windbag spouting his provocative claptrap from his gated community mansion in America.”

Yes he spends a lot of time in Florida And a lot of time just north of Enfield. He can often be seen at Spurs home games.

For what it’s worth the sentence handed down by District Judge Roscoe does seem unduly lenient. The offence of aggravated trespass carries a maximum sentence of three months custody and/or a fine of up to £2,500. Two of those convicted had previous convictions for similar activity. The disruption caused was high and the security implications serious. Quite how the offences attracted a Conditional Discharge – even for the first time offenders – is a little hard to fathom. The prosecution costs of £95 is the standard award for a guilty plea. It is not to cover the entire costs but merely to mark a contribution towards bringing the prosecution.

Of course, as with all these matters, the root cause is people having too much time on their hands enabling them to become involved in matters that should not concern them. Aviation will continue and it will continue to grow. Tying yourself up on a runway will not alter that. Best to go and get a job – such as emptying dustbins or sweeping the streets - and contribute something worthwhile to the community.
Already been debated on AB. The article is rubbish, they did not jump the queue or make a dash for the boarding gate. They rowed across the Thames in a rubber dinghy and climbed up to the runway.
I DO NOT agree with their argument which is some rubbish like '' The effect of the UK environmental policy on the 'Black lives matter' campain in the USA !!! ?
A bunch of idiots whose only reason for action was to gain publicity, you have just helped their cause even more!
Thanks to people like you they have succeeded admirably in their misguided quest ! £95 each has bought them more publicity than they could have bought for several million £s !!
EDDIE51, looking at it another way, AOG might be congratulated on helping them achieve unfavourable publicity.
Why are these white people even campaigning over black lives matter? Our police don't go round just shooting people. They might operate stop and search more often on black people but they don't kill them.

That might sound harsh but these idiots are causing problems for innocent black and white people...
That's what fake ant-racist do ^
The fine still seems pathetic though eddie and hardly discourages others from trying similar publicity stunts The incident will probably look pretty good on their CV in some of the fields in which these people will work/ be involved in coming years
ummmm, your word 'idiots' gives the answer to your question.
Naomi...I sometimes think I lack compassion or I'm far too lazy to protest.
a lot of wealth envy on this thread!
The ironic thing is, these protestors families probably fly business and first class. I wonder if they get a lecture about their carbon footprint?

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