The audio has been played on the radio today DD (albeit with some words bleeped out, eg when he described what he liked to do to beautiful women). And Trump has apologised (sort of) and hasn't denied saying these things.
I have one daughter and three sons. I have never heard any of them talk or treat the other sex in a derogatory manner. If their mum heard them then world war three would have erupted.
Surely you are the one better placed to answer that question and whilst we are on the subject of criticising someone for questionable comments (including calling him a creep) you had better examine some of your own cryptic personal remarks, some of which needed removing.
Kettle and teapot seems to spring to mind.
o come on sqad - take a sedative - bromide will make it go down ....
and no in the men's changing room the talk was usually of booze and footie. Mr X was the world's greatest loffair and the talk was - "we dont need a royal college of Y because all it will be is a subscription paid knocking shop for Mr X just as the association is at present"...... dear dear times change innit ? The troot can now be told as Mr X is now knocking up the angels ..... probably of both sexes - Mr X wasnt a great chooser but accepted gratefully all comers....