Bojo Had No Intention Of Supporting Brexit. in The AnswerBank: News
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Bojo Had No Intention Of Supporting Brexit.

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Marshwarble | 22:37 Sat 15th Oct 2016 | News
39 Answers
Apparently he wrote a pro-remain article for the Telegraph in secret two days before the result came out. And remember he was one of the chief campaigners!

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He just does what he thinks will be best for him. He was expecting Brexit to lose but he was positioning himself to succeed Cameron when he steppped down (as he'd already planned to do). It all went pear-shaped and now he's having to find some way of pursuing Brexit even though he doesn't think it's a good idea.

Politics, eh?
An alien landing from space might think that the public school system produced nothing but chinless, waffling, talentless liars only able to gain employment through their contacts.
He's made his bed. Now he must lie on it.
He hasn't done badly out of it. From backbencher to Foreign Secretary in one fell swoop.
it may be a case of "be careful what you wish for..."
I think everyone knew that Johnson's position was taken on the basis of what was best for Johnson, not what was best for the country. The fact that it completely back fired is a sort of justice.
The outcome he wanted was for Remain to win by a narrow margin but for Cameron to be severely weakened. Then to challenge the leadership one on one at the conference, and Boris to be PM.
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Whilst the suspicions may well be true, it is simple forward planning to prepare for likely outcomes.
JNO & GROMIT, your replies are Spot on,
Think Johnson will be May's biggest nightmare,I can see a Boris, Howe job here , keep your eyes on him Theresa, he is a snake in the grass, and he will bite you. Pity we no longer have Hong Kong, you could have made him Governer.
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You do need to wait for the outcome, OG.

It was all an excuse to stab Cameron in the front.
who cares what bojo thinks. We got the correct result, Nigel won the day.
What OG said. After all, he's a politician playing his hand on what was always going to be a close run thing so he hedged his bets.
Why is everyone so surprised?
Don't think anyone is surprised. I for one am amused that Johnson's column extolling the virtues of the EU written within hours of him joining the leave campaign. Whilst most people know that Johnson would sell his grandmother for power, it is nice to see some evidence of that emerge.
so as foreign secretary will he do what's best for his country or best for himself? One guess.
Nothing about this pathological liar would surprise me. This whole business is about how he get to be Tory Leader....... He couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it.

And Jack...he may be Foreign Secretary today but he won't be for much longer.

Theresa or may not be lots of things, but a sufferer of fools she certainly isn't. The only reason why Boris is in the Cabinet now is the whole camping thing...she would rather he was in the tent pissing out instead of outside pissing in. But sooner of later, he will start pissing in, from the inside....

Remember you heard it here first.
jno.....Boris always does what is best for Boris....ALWAYS !
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"We got the right result".

Well that's all right. Half the remainers thought Nigel Farage was a dangerous man, but as long as they can get the assistance of someone who doesn't believe in it, fine.
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I meant half the Brexiters of course.

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