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Germany's Finance Minister Presses For A 'german Islam'

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naomi24 | 10:23 Fri 18th Nov 2016 | News
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//Despite the rising number of xenophobic attacks in Germany, Schaeuble said he believed the majority of Germans would say: "Yes, we want you to belong to us."//

A man who doesn’t understand that Islam doesn’t embrace patriotism - nor that Islamists are saying exactly the same thing about the Germans.

This report from October didn’t make the headlines, but it should have done. Are Europe’s leading politicians really so blind to reality?


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As soon as I saw the words 'A veteran ally of Merkel', enough was said, despairingly...
He is saying that Muslim immigrants must integrate and take on German ideals. Not sure what is wrong with that. It is what Conservatives such as Nigel Farage have been saying about immigrants to the UK.

The fact that you believe that muslims are not capable of integration tells us more about you, than the German commentator.
'Schaeuble said he believed the majority of Germans would say: "Yes, we want you to belong to us.'

A misguided belief. Nobody asked the German population about the massive intake of migrants. Merkel's reckless policy has choked the welfare system and led to masses of migrants going missing in the country.

Ask those townsfolk and village people whose communities have been affected what they think.

Just another arrogant minister who is so far removed from reality..

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Gromit, //The fact that you believe that muslims are not capable of integration tells us more about you, than the German commentator. //

It does indeed. It indicates that I understand Islam rather more than he does.
But for years you have demonstrated that you don't. Your Islamophobia has become your hallmark. Believing that 1.8 billion people want to kill you is paranoia.
Could it be that the Germans see them as very strong allies, in a continuing quest to gain a 4th Reich?

/// Believing that 1.8 billion people want to kill you is paranoia. ///

Judging by Islam's record, there is a likelihood that a very large proportion of those 1.8 billion people who are set on killing us, given the chance.
I wonder what the islamophobes would have us do?
The only solution surely taken to its logical conclusion is something akin to holocaust 2. Assuming that will be met with outraged cries of 'not me guv'
what then?
And what does 'given the chance' mean?
It was sobering yesterday to watch Obama and Merkel's final press conference yesterday. And wondering what sort of leaders may be coming in their wake. A woman glibly compared to Hitler by many in the far right for her tolerance of people of other cultures. Truly it's a mad world.
I understand that people are afraid of change and a feeling of being swamped, but you either recognise the reasonable comments of those such as the Sherman minister, which seem quite pragmatic to me, or you carry on down the road to - where? Actually hoping a neo Nazi wins the French presidency next year?
The Minister has stepped out of his finance remit and is talking bunkum.

He should stick to dealing with numbers as his words are drivel.
// Are Europe’s leading politicians really so blind to reality? //

I'm afraid they really are, naomi. They are seemingly incapable of understanding what is going on around them due to the fact that they all live in a self-serving bubble, but, I sense things are stirring in the woodshed and their days are numbered.
The quality of these people of power is abysmal. Not that long ago (circa 20 years) Merkel and others (Gauch, de Maziere etc.) were living behind the iron curtain and therefore have a different grasp on what Europe really means to most of us. Juncker was mayor of a tin-pot town, Luxembourg, and Martin Schultz was a librarian in Saarland.
PS, Shaeuble is one of the good guys and what he is saying makes sense, which is, in a nutshell, Islam must adapt or face the consequences
So what is YOUR solution then? Assuming it's not the 'final' one?
It's really easy to criticise others, but someone needs to have some answers to back up the ranting, as DJ Trump will find ouy
Khandro > Islam must adapt or face the consequences.

The Government inflicted the damage, nearly 1,000,000 migrants let in. Where is the sense in admitting them and then pose the question as to 'adapt or face the consequences'?
I suspect Schaeuble is mistaken.
And in the event he presently isn't, they most likely soon will be.
He's saying that Germans should not allow a certain reaction to the actions of some migrants to cause a situation where those already integrated into German society start to feel alienated. Can't really see that is wrong with that.
It's certainly true they admitting so many refugees was a mistake or st the very least a challenge, but one can be positive about that or one can be relentlessly negative. Meet the challenges and deal with them, or .. what? Eternal ranting? The politics of isolationism, fear and loathing?
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Gromit, //Believing that 1.8 billion people want to kill you is paranoia.//

That isn’t something I’ve ever said. Stop spinning. The fact is there is never mention – anywhere – of ‘phobias’ relating to any other religion. We have people from across the whole spectrum of world religions who have been willing to, and have very successfully, integrated into western societies – so why Islam alone? There has to be a logical reason. I’ll leave you – and the rest of the people who bang on about Islamophobia and xenophobia and bigotry and racism – including the deluded German minister – to ponder that. I await your conclusions.
new ideas .... new responses

yeah get it ? new responses ( blows irony klaxon at full volume)
“Believing that 1.8 billion people want to kill you is paranoia.”

I can’t really speak for Naomi but I hold a similar stance to her on Islam. I dn’t believe that 1.8bn people want to kill me but I do believe they follow a religion which has teachings that suggest they ought to kill people like me.

“…in a nutshell, Islam must adapt or face the consequences”

Regrettably, Khandro, it is the rest of us who will face the consequences when (not “if”) they do not adapt.

Herr Shaeuble “…urged Muslims in Germany on Sunday to develop a "German Islam" based on liberalism and tolerance,”

Islam based on liberalism and tolerance is a contradiction in terms. Islam does not tolerate any other religion and is even incapable of tolerating different factions within its own. “Liberalism” is anathema to it and it preaches control and subjugation (particularly of women). Herr Schaeuble’s vision is an impossibility.

There is no solution to this problem and the Islamification of Europe will develop without a doubt. It took around 800 years to rid Europe of Islam the last time it was infested by it. It is unlikely that such a riddance will occur again

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