// No,if the appeal should be allowed.....//
no - or Yes - AB readers can read the High Ct judgement [ caution - no rhyming slang - no Essex dialect like foo for 'through' - no phrases like 'darn sarf yeah?']
and IF they do
they will see what these MPs are arn abart yeah ?
ALso - the govts of Scotland and Wales have applied to be joined in the appeal ( yeah means they can stand up and yak too yeah ? at the judge )
and so a possibiity of a regional veto rears its head
( actually it doesnt - but not many of them can read either apparently )
I mean you just read the doc - yeah even new Judge yeah who seems not to have yet - and its pretty obvious that it wont be turned over on appeal
the basic issues are
1.what parliament makes parliament unmakes
2.referenda dont have legal force ( wh we knew anyway)
3.and what happens to treaty rights granted under the treaty - can a minister sign them away without parliamentary say-so ( no of course not )
Ollie and his pals say that it is pretty obvious what the (judges') answers are to questions 1 to 3