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Khandro | 10:32 Thu 24th Nov 2016 | News
95 Answers
The final statement of Geert Wilders at his trial;


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It still would have made more sense for Wilders to have said, "Who wants to see fewer Moroccans who commit crime...etc"

I'm trying to put into context, and I think I can see a parallel.

Young black males are over-represented in knife crime, so it's the same as one of our politicians saying, "Who wants to less fewer black people on the streets?"

Is that a fair analogy?
//Young black males are over-represented in knife crime//

Well you could start by saying, "Young black males commit more knife crime" instead of dressing it up in newspeak.
Sp - it's not helpful to state what Wilders ought to have said.

Look at those far worse comments on the same theme by politicians in the Dutch Labour Party who have not been prosecuted. Why is that??
No it's not a fair analogy, although I can see it suits the argument that Wilders was inciting hate. "We've had a rise in knife crime/.rape/gay-bashing. Most of that rise is due to people who recently emigrated from a particular region. It makes sense to stop importing people who are disproportionately likely to rape/knife a/beat up gays. That makes gays/women/people generally safer. It also makes sense to get rid of immigrants who commit these crimes."
That's not too difficult, is it?
If Wilders ends up in prison there'll be fun and games in Holland.
Jackdaw - the maximum sentence he would get is two years. More likely he would be fined or a Community Service Order imposed.
I sincerely hope he doesn't go to prison.
v_e, //That's not too difficult, is it? //

Apparently so.

Okay, but I still think my analogy works.

Re: my analogy - could it not be argued that if knife (and gun crime) were disproportionately carried out by young black men, a politician would be saying exactly the same as Wilders if he or she said to a group of supporters "Who wants to see less black people here?"

I don't see much of a difference.
"(Mikey has focused on the man of course not the merit of any content!)"

There was no "Merit of his content" All I heard was cries and pleas for a lower sentence.

Have you read any parole applications from prisoners? You hear the same cries and pleas and these are amazingly "Honest" and contrite and these are in many cases from prisoners with drug problems, low education and from backrounds with a long list of problems so am not surprised at the speech of of a well educated politician and it doesn't pull at my heart strings.

"I can only assume that mikey would not object to having a few thousand illiterate, lawless Moroccan youths, robbing and raping their way around Swansea."

I've read the speech 3 times and have missed where it said he has thousands of illiterate, lawless Moroccan youths, robbing and raping their way around the Netherlands, could you please post the quote where it says this?

"I tell you: If we can no longer honestly address problems in the Netherlands, if we are no longer allowed to use the word "alien," if we, Dutch, are suddenly racists because we want Black Pete to remain black,"

^What on earth is this guy talking about?

"Someone said that, at the As Soenah mosque, after Friday prayers alone, 1,200 complaints were lodged because it was thought to be an election. There were parades, led by mayors and aldermen, like in Nijmegen, where CDA mayor Bruls was finally able to show off his deep-seated hatred of the PVV. The police had extra opening hours, offered coffee and tea, there were dancing and singing Moroccans accompanied by a real oompah band in front of a police station. They turned it into a big party."

Well one thing for sure he hates Moroccans having a good time.

"To clarify - the closing statement is very long...

Could you summarise?"

I can Sp1814. The Git Wilders has a deeply rooted fear and hatred of Moroccans and is using them to gain political clout and momentum to his far reich campaign as Trump did using the hatred of Mexicans to do the same to gain more political seats where if pushed to the top will then unroll his true agenda to "Cleanse" the Netherlands of all ethnic groups.

"Tell you what - in situations like this, I always try swapping the defining noun (in this case 'Moroccans') for 'Jews' to see how it reads.

Not well. Not well at all."

Bingo Sp1814, had this been about Jews or a Black politician in South Africa talking about the Whites in Sa there would be a totally different thread to this one.

I was inclined to ask whether he caught a Morrocan sleeping with his wife or maybe grew up next to Morrocan families and just hated the rich culture, the singing the smell of their fantastic cooking that he slowly simmered in rage over the course of many years vowing to "Make them pay one day" but have no proof yet of the above to post at this moment in time.
I 'm still trying to finish my crossword, SP. And I thought you had a job to go to.
Great comment naomi24.

Just trying to argue an alternative point of view. Apologies if that makes me seem dim.

Will try to do better in future (but as we both know...that's going to be as easy as fitting a blancmange into an envelope).


Finished for the day!!!
Google Black Pete. It's an old Xmas tradition in Holland.
At this rate I'll end up asking MamyaLynne to complete it for me.
And you can imagine how bad thast will make me feel.
SP and Swarte Piet are old friends, Jackdaw.

12 Ancient structure to drag into tour of all bases (5,5)

Sorry to break the thread - but what's the clue. I'm awesome at crosswords.
Lunol - no merit at all and you say you have read it THREE times!!

> The Git Wilders has a deeply rooted fear and hatred of Moroccans...

....sounds like your rant gives you a deeply rooted fear and hatred of Wilders.

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