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Trump Vs. Streep

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sp1814 | 15:43 Mon 09th Jan 2017 | News
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A couple of things here.

First - is Meryl Streep over-rated?

Second - does it concern you that the next President of the United States of America has a skin so thick that he feels that he needs to defend himself in this manner?

Are we now walking towards a time when the leader of the free world has the sensibilities of a 13 year old school child?

Why is he doing this?

Seriously...I know there are some on here revere Trump in the same way that they revere Katie Hopkins, Jeremy Clarkson and Tyson Fury - as being paragons as straight talking, but what on earth is he doing responding to this kind of criticism?


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I think Bazile has got the essence of this. If a Hollywood icon wants to make a veiled reference to bad behaviour, they can. If you are President Elect, and you want to respond by denigrating her proven and awarded acting skills- you can't, for two reasons. One is that you are proving yourself an idiot by attacking her proven track record in her job, and two...
16:23 Mon 09th Jan 2017
I wonder is he medicated ?
I neither know nor care to be honest.
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You wrote:

"Meryl Streep is an actress whose accolades come mainly from her contemporaries and the rest of the luvvies."

And loads of film goes who constantly rate her as the best actress of her generation.

Seriously - there are very few who have her range and abilities.

If you asked 100 people, who is the best actress from the past 30 years, I think that more than a few would say Meryl Streep.

And she has never (as far as I'm aware) mocked someone who physical disabilities.
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Have you seen the YouTube clip of what Trump did?

If not, have a look and decide for yourself.

Before the furore erupted, I saw it and it reminded me of how we (me and my school mates) used to the 'Joey Deacon' thing back in the 70s.

Fortunately, we were not running for President of the USA.
DB, depends whether you believe the CIA or not ;-)
We used to do the Joey thing as well. How shameful in hindsight.
I'm with the American comedian, whose name I did not get, who asked , with over 300 million people in the US, how did they narrow the choice down to Trump or Clinton!

More seriously, Meryl Streep is just one of many, on both sides of the Atlantic, who appear to only like Democracy when it produces the result they feel is correct, and consequently, to me at least, seem happy to look condescendingly on those ignoramuses who voted for some other outcome.
//More seriously, Meryl Streep is just one of many, on both sides of the Atlantic, who appear to only like Democracy when it produces the result they feel is correct, and consequently, to me at least, seem happy to look condescendingly on those ignoramuses who voted for some other outcome//
She did not appear to look condescendingly on ignoramuses who voted for Trump but on Trump himself, a president elect who uses cyber bullying like the immature man he is.
Actually, we don't need to restrict ourselves to this one instance when we are looking for moments when DT has acted like an utterly reprehensible excuse for a human being - his entire campaign coverage is absolutely full to the brim with examples!

He really is a gift that never stops giving!
I would say he has an extremely thin skin. He gets ultra sensitive and acts like a 12 year old playground bully lashing out the only way he knows how.

As 'the leader of the free world' he needs to grow up and realise he is playing with the big boys now. His manner and way is both childish and dangerous to the US and the world as a whole.
Celebrities accepting awards shouldn’t use the occasion as a platform to broadcast their political views – and Trump shouldn’t be tweeting at all. A distinct lack of dignity on both sides.
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But Meryl didn't broadcast her political views.

I've watched the clip of her acceptance speech, and she alluded to the fact that Trump make fun of a disabled reporter.

I think in the grand scheme of things, that's pretty much acceptable.
I liked Dawn French playing meryl streep playing Mrs Scargill in that prog about twenty years ago
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Yep...that's the impression I'm getting.

Did you know that he tweeted his criticism of Saturday Night Live because they took the mickey out of 02:30am during the campaign.

I think his advisors might need to reset his Twitter password once he takes office. Can you imagine what he'll be tweeting during the next G8 summit? His opinions on Britney's new album? His bowel movement? God knows...
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Peter Pedant

That was good, but no where near as good as her doing Bette Davis in 'Whatever Happened To Baby Dawn'.

A classic.
I've just found out that this incident actually happened in 2015

And she's still upset?
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