Well, she didn't give the warning but the situation could have been avoided. He failed to give his name when asked and swore at the officers and walking off to his gate.
Why could he not have complied with a simple instruction? Not giving his name aroused further suspicion though the officer should have given the requisite warning.
I suspect this might be a “tip of the iceberg” thing.....people in the area suspicious of police, police nervous of being in that area. Silly girl panicked and hey presto we have an incident.
The verbal and body language of the female officer is clear - she panicked, failed to threaten with the taser or give a warning, and tasered the man without due cause.
If two officers can's subdue an elderly man, they are in the wrong job.
I think the female officer will have some tall questions to answer - as she should.
I think everything about the wsoman officer said that she was out of her depth, and she panicked.
She was panciking again when the guy who was filming the incident came within about ten feet of her, although her ability to taser him was somewhat limited, given that the prongs of her taser were stuck in the face of an old man on the floor!