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Watching The Inaguration

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Smowball | 16:36 Fri 20th Jan 2017 | News
198 Answers
I'm watching it with a kind of morbid fascination. Watching Trumps family parade in - the women all look like they are plastic and more fitting with the Kardashians. And after they've shown previous Presidents being sworn in - Regan, Clinton, Bush, and then this man walks in with an orange face and yellow hair. It just looks so bizarre. I know none of that will have anything to do with his ability to do the job in hand - it's just quite a sight to see it play out.


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To be fair i wouldn't have thought that an outgoing president would want to stick around for lunch , especially when the new administration is from the other side ( Democrat or Republican )
Yes Baz //previously referred to as//
Bazile, having read the blurb about it, it seems it's the always done that way. Out with the old and in with the new.
I can remember seeing Nixon flying off in a helicopter as soon as he had handed over to Ford.
Did Trump mention something about 'Health Care' ( as he was preparing to sign the documents )
Good inauguration, good speeches, especially from DT. We now can only watch and wait - perhaps not for long. As an ambitious man, there is now nowhere else for him to go other than to succeed.
Nixon was lucky not to be carted off to, jail. He was impeached when he waved bye-bye to Ford, wasn't he?
Clinton oot !
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Well some of you like him and some of you don't but he's President now so we shall just see if he can deliver.
I can't stand him.
I've read the first page of drivel ... is it worth reading the rest?

Is Bill Clinton ill? I thought he looked very gaunt today.
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Lol Talbot. I wonder what was in the blue box that the Trumps gave the Obamas as a present?
Too much use of his "cigar" Tills?
Did we see farage in the VIP area ?
Didn't know he smoked, Togo. :-)
Didn't Melania look gorgeous in that outfit? how did she get into it, and who designed it? I hate to say, but didn't Michelle looked a bit dowdy, downbeat and dejected for someone who has proposed to run for the next presidency?
Ralph Lauren, apparently, Khandro - I just asked about it - fabulous cutting and fitting (used to make all clothes for family).

Watching news and am very disturbed about all these protests. Are we watching the death of democratic agreement and acceptance? This follows on the UK people who will not accept the result of the referendum. We have obviously not taught our children/grandchildren well.
It was a Ralph Lauren design.

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