Put it this way: I live in a small English village: in no respect could you describe it as crawling with leftists, jihadists, etc etc etc
When I went to get my paper last Saturday I saw that it had an outer cover commemorating the Trump inauguration, with a large photo of the Orange One very much to the fore. I joked to the lady at the till that I was jolly well going to remove it from the paper proper as soon as possible. After I had removed it there was another picture of Trump underneath: she looked at the picture, then looked at me, and said very pointedly "That man should be behind bars!" before offering to bin the other bit for me!
The point of all this is that here is a lady who looked very much like she had voted Tory all her life, and certainly not one to get on the front line in Portland, London or at any off those frightful wimmin's marches :-)
So if someone like her feels like that about Trump, I think Laura Kuenssberg is on pretty sure ground in indicating that there are a lot of people in the UK alarmed at the stated views and plans of the new president, and those people are likely the majority. And even if they weren't, what would have been the point of getting up and simply asking Mr Trump where he gets his hair done, or has Mrs May bought any nice shoes lately ...