AOG - ///// ignorance and bigotry ///
Out roll your usual insults against those that don't toe the liberal thinking line. //
I disagree that those epithets are issued by mikey because people 'don't toe the liberal thinking line' as you put it. I believe, and I think the majority of modern society would agree with me - that using the law to punish people because you are offended by how they behave is singularly bad use of the legal system.
There are dozens of behaviours that are considered abhorrant to the majority of society which do not and did not attract the level of police attention and legal punishment that was meted out to homosexual men before the laws were changed.
/// Anyway, there is nobody on here that still thinks its an offence, which goes to show how enlightened most have become. ///
Thank goodness it is deemed no longer a criminal offence, but that does not mean that it is not deemed offensive for some. //
No argument there of course. We all have to live with the fact that people choose to do things that some of us think are repugnant, but that is one of the prices we pay for a free society.
// A change in the law or total acceptance of homosexuality does not mean that to some the thought of perpetration sex between two males is no longer thought repulsive and no matter how liberal thinking one may be, it won't alter that fact. //
Again, no argument, but we simply have to accept that we may not necessarily agree with, or understand some of the behaviours of others with whom we share the planet, but that does not automatically them wrong, and it certainly should not mean that they are punished by the legal system for behaving in a way which does not have a negative impact on society as a whole.
// We all have certain individual tastes and distastes, and one also cannot alter that fact. // And amen to that- vive le difference!
But let's be sure that although we are all entitled not to like the way others behave, we are not entitled to bring summary punishment down on them for it - that is bad use of the law.