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I have never said that the NHS doesn't need an quite clearly does. But how is closing dozens of Hospitals going to help
I am accused on here, as using the NHS as a "political football" and yet after nearly 7 years of Tory rule, the NHS is in such a state of complete collapse, that savage cuts and closures are now going to take place. So if it isn't the fault of the Tories, that this happening on their watch, then whose fault is it ?
If the NHS was in this state of collapse, after 7 years of Labour rule. you can bet your last dollar that the right wing here on AB, which comprises the majority don't forget, would be howling the Labour Party down from the rooftops.
Apologies in advance for this next bit Sqad.....but "the NHS is safe in our hands"....really ?
If this is "safe" at the moment, just what would unsafe look like ?