“Khan also compares Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP to politicians like Donald Trump who seek to fuel division.”
This ridiculous demonisation of so-called “division” is getting silly. By definition politics is about division: some people want this, other people want that. The job of politicians is to find out what the majority wants and accommodate their wishes whenever possible.
It is particularly apparent with binary issues such as Scottish Independence and EU membership. If you ask people what they want they will be divided into two camps, very often not much adrift from 50:50. So what do you do to avoid “division” – never ask anybody what they want? Successive UK governments tried that with our EU membership. The “division” was always there but it was never accepted and simply ignored. All that happened was that governments merrily carried on without actually asking the electorate what it wanted.
There is nothing wrong with division. There cannot be many issues on which people are not divided. What is wrong is to refuse to accept it exists and do nothing about it.