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jno & baldric - if you think about it long enough I am sure that you can list enough reasons to present to the RAF.

I am sitting here with a floral skirt on and am still managing to drop things on the floor. ☺☺☺
I hope you're not our last line of defence when the sirens go off.

Having said that, I can't remember where I put my own tin hat, so it'll probably have to be the colander again.
This story is totally fake.

It's quite clearly nonsense.
They'll be made to bind their breast next
Okay...this is how online news stories work.

One newspaper will publish an unverified story, with unnamed sources, and it will be picked up and reprinted by other news aggregators.

Just because you see a story in multiple outlets, does not mean it has been verified.

Look at the detail in the report.

It's really very fake.
^ well both of them actually ;-)
"It is believed the ban was discussed at a meeting of RAF top brass, but the ban has yet to be enforced."

That literally means that a discussion was held about female soldiers wearing skirts.

After that, some unnamed source has linked it to transgender army personnel.

...and then the chest beating begins.

The 'ban' is not implemented and the MoD has not verified the story, but who cares - let's saddle up our high horses for a canter around the outrage paddock.
Don't be such a spoilsport sp, everyone seems to be having fun with it:-))

LOL Baldric.

///female soldiers///
///transgender army personnel///

Errr No, RAF Personnel actually.
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/// I am sitting here with a floral skirt on and am still managing to drop things on the floor. ///

Have you tried Tena Lady? :0)
Thanks Balders!

(Blackadder reference).
well I hope they are also banning the men from wearing skirts.
Removing their skirt before parading about ? Sound good to me. When's it being televised ?
I would like to propose Old_Geezer for 'best answer'.

Anyone second me?
-- answer removed --

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Raf To Ban Their Female Service Women From Wearing Skirts.

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