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Is This One Of The "children " We Took In.

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webbo3 | 12:30 Mon 06th Mar 2017 | News
45 Answers
One of the children we rescued from the Calais camp. ?




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It's odd that we haven't heard any more of this.
Presumably there was some mischief making or just a simple mistake and it wasn't the same person at all-- or perhaps the media/establishment have covered the matter up.

I doubt vey much it was the same person but I'm interested to know what sp means by two glaring differences as I couldn't spot them
Thought so. There were lots of comments on her e that it was definitely him. I wondered how people were so sure but assume it was wishful thinking
They do indeed look very similar. But it's bad journalism not to check facts before publishing though. Oh how media standards have fallen in the rush for higher profits.
Or in this case higher levels of support.

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Is This One Of The "children " We Took In.

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