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"don't not"?? Does that mean we do?
my last link is more relevant to the UK, i copied out the most relevant part.
I heard on the news yesterday that a man was cleared of rape having had sex with a 12 year old girl. Apparently it was consensual and she looked older... so that's alright then. The judge let him off with an 'absolute discharge '. :(
Ladybirder....thanks for pointing out my typo, but I am sure my meaning was clear.
this was covered on a/b a few days ago. Even the police and those that saw her didn't question her age. so they must have assumed wrongly, as it turned out, that she was over 16.
It is an offence for anyone to have any sexual activity with a person under the age of 16. However, Home Office guidance is clear that there is no intention to prosecute teenagers under the age of 16 where both mutually agree and where they are of a similar age.
I don't know what point you are making about statutory rape, mikey.
Rape is statute law in the UK and it is a statutory offence to have sex with a minor.
Clover he wasn't cleared as such, he admitted rape but was not punished due to the circumstances.

Re this case, I just find it terribly sad and hope all entrusted with dealing with the case do their level best to ensure lives are not ruined.

With good support I hope all will be well.
tricky case, Cloverjo

I'm not sure what the "right" answer is, unless it involves nobody having sex until they've seen their prospective partner's birth certificate. (And ultimately, maybe that's how it will have to be.)
HC....I have made my point perfectly clear on the issue of Statuary Rape.

If the father is also under age, then the authorities have tended not to prosecute in the past, and I have no argument with that.
Mamya, in the earlier case cited in the report in the OP, it would appear the grandmother who took over the baby was 25 or 26 at the time. It doesn't look as if she passed on any useful sex education to her daughter. You can only hope this case works out better.
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## You've read it wrong. Completely wrong. ##

ZM. Just one ''wrong'' will do.

Is everybody a moody today, I post some news, and everybody starts arguing, and bickering.
Thats why I dont use this site as much as I used too.
ZM you must come from a country were thy marry at 7 years old
Why? BTW I'm English.
Regarding sex education, my ex mother in law was 16 when she had her first child. She was keen to prevent her (later-born) daughter from doing the same thing, so the girl was put on the pill aged 15. She is now in her mid 20s and has 3 kids by 3 fathers having had the first aged 17.

Sex ed doesn't always seem to travel to the next generation in a good way.
Exactly Clover I had the same sex education as my younger sister - by 20 she had 3 children by 3 different fathers - I did not even try to start a family until I was 30!
Blimey, I was such a child at 11, I was still playing with dolls. I hope she is going to be ok ...
Question Author
## Sex doesn't always seem to travel to the next generation in a good way. ##

## Exactly Clover I had the same sex education as my younger sister - by 20 she had 3 children by 3 different fathers ##

I agree with the above ladies, I also think it depends on the friends & company they mix with going into their teens.
mikey; I don't "hate" anybody, I merely point out the fact that in our so called multicultural society we are living among people who find such child pregnancy not as abhorrent as you or I.
(though it is true that I won't miss a chance to point out these matters)
“It could be consensual sex and therefore why would you charge him with rape?”

No it could not. As has been explained, a child of eleven is not capable of legally consenting to sexual intercourse. The Sexual Offences Act 2003 makes a clear distinction between rape (or other sexual assault) of a child under 13 and a person aged 14 or 15. Section 5 of the Act clearly states that penetrative sex with a 13 year old is rape. The question of consent – even if it could be shown to have been given - is not a consideration.

“Can one minor be charged with the Statutory rape of another minor in this country?”

First of all there is no such thing in the UK as “Statutory Rape”. Rape hinges around consent. If consent is not present either because the victim did not grant it or because (s)he was incapable in law of doing so then rape can be charged. Where the victim is 14-15 the situation is slightly more complex (involving the belief the accused held about the victim’s age) than the simple paragraph above concerning under 13s, but it need not concern us here. There’s lots of CPS guidance on sexual activity between those under 16 and we have far too few details to determine which is applicable. However here’s a snippet or two from the CPS guidance which covers sexual offences against children:

“If the sexual act or activity was in fact genuinely consensual (even though this provides no defence) and the youth and the child under 13 concerned are fairly close in age and development, a prosecution is unlikely to be appropriate.”

“It should be noted that where both parties to sexual activity are under 16, then they may both have committed a criminal offence. However, the overriding purpose of the legislation is to protect children and it was not Parliaments intention to punish children unnecessarily or for the criminal law to intervene where it was wholly in appropriate.”

“Mikey you are judging the father!!”

Of course Mikey is judging the father. Why shouldn’t he be judged in a discussion like this? With a pregnant eleven year old there is no doubt that a grave criminal offence has been committed. As I have pointed out above, there may be some leeway within the CPS guidance which says that a criminal prosecution might not be pursued. But that does not alter the fact that a serious criminal offence has occurred and judgement is perfectly acceptable.

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Girl Aged 11, Expecting Baby¬¬¬.

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