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I think anyone who does something like this is exceptionally dangerous and needs a very strong message sending to the once they are caught, as someone this cruel and sociopathic is not someone you want wandering about getting away lightly with things. There have to be consequences for taking pleasure in cruelty. I hope they are dealt with as severly as...
08:14 Fri 07th Apr 2017
That's horrific, poor little soul. Evil is the right word for the vile creatures.
the evil that men doth ..... beyond evil...
I think anyone who does something like this is exceptionally dangerous and needs a very strong message sending to the once they are caught, as someone this cruel and sociopathic is not someone you want wandering about getting away lightly with things. There have to be consequences for taking pleasure in cruelty. I hope they are dealt with as severly as possible.
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My uncle said to me that anyone who can hurt defenseless animals could do much worse to humans.

I'm not sure about a life sentence though.
They probably did it to shut them up the evil b*****ds.
Awful, the problem they have now is, whereas it was just a burglary and they would have be given a crime number and claimed on their insurance, now, anybody buying these goods will know where they came from and what they did, and they will have lots of animal lovers looking out for them and animal charities etc.

Basically they have a lot more people after them because of the dog.

They probably killed the puppy to keep it quiet - a barking dog could alert neighbours.

It's unlikely they went to the trouble of filling a bath just for the fun of killing a dog, but who knows? You have to hope the poor animal didn't suffer too much.

A life sentence? No, I don't think that is appropriate.
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I don't think a life sentence is disproportionate, personally.

Cruelty to animals is on the increase and a stark message needs to go out that this depraved behaviour will not be tolerated.
why didnt we have this outpouring of emotion
when kids were being gassed in Idlib ?

[ yeah chop their hands off !]
concrete overcoat in my opinion. Lowlife scum.
NoMercy - // I don't think a life sentence is disproportionate, personally. //

I understand your position, I am sure it is shared by animal lovers everywhere.

But the law does not respond to our personal anguish about ill-treatment of defenceless animals, and it is right that it does not - good laws are not based on emotion, they are based on detached analysis.
yes and the detached analysis is that there are very dangerous sociopaths walking about. If they have no qualms about drowning a defenseless puppy then they are clearly beyond any sort of feelings and as such are dangerous to the public. Thus they should be out of circulation for the good of the general public.
These are lowlife scum indeed - however, and I've had dogs all my life so absolutely consider myself a dog lover, a life sentence for killing a dog is wholly inappropriate and excessive and is borne from emotion.

poor little thing, why wouldn't anyone do such a thing.
life sentence won't happen, but a good long sentence would be more than appropriate.
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I'm not looking at it from my point of view, though, I'm looking at it from the suffering inflicted on the animal, unless anyone the animal didn't really suffer...?

As has quite rightly been pointed out, it takes a dangerous, emotionless person to commit such a crime.
It is a pretty bizarre thing to do to a puppy, it posed no threat to then (apart from the noise). I was always concerned about burglars getting in when I had a dog - he would, without a doubt, have seriously injured any burglar.
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A 'life sentence' for murder is only a few years these days so it's not as bad a suggestion as it seems.

Low life scum that need to be dealt with. Even if they killed it due to the barking, I would suggest they are seriously dangerous individuals. Filling a bath takes some time anyone with half an ounce of conscience would back out from the idea. People like this must be capable of doing humans harm if they get in their way.
NoMercy....hateful as this is, I don't think that it deserves a life sentence

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