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Blimey. Sit on the tube in London and you'll notice that not many people make eye contact. I doubt there are carriages full of racists.

Oxford University's Equality and Diversity Unit seems to an awful long way op its own ***
How daft.
So by their crazy thinking, my autistic grandson, who finds eye contact impossible, is racist. Idiots.
mushie - your anthropotoblist training seems to have gone mush

culturally - if you read the article - in interacting with people you should maintain eye contact
not to is not racist but is looked on by us westerners as 'shifty'

Middle east - you dont - ( I thought they were shifty and they thought I was staring at them )

riding on the tube is hardly interaction with people

Another load of crp.
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Pity they've nowt better to do.
Mosques come under criticism for the weird indoctrinating of some of their worshippers, judging by the way some universities are trying to indoctrinate their students these days, maybe the time has come for some scrutiny to take place at these seats of learning?
what a load of botox, microaggression is that what they are teaching our young people now, heaven almighty
What is happening when a person of the same race as the person talking doesn't look them in the eye?

If I find myself not making eye contact with someone talking to me it is because they are boring the nads off me and I am hoping they will go away.
what a load of old pony! What are we supposed to do, have staring competition with everyone?
I'm a potential world champ at staring.
I smile and make eye contact with most people I meet. It's nice to be nice.
The people who spout this kind of garbage are the real racists in my opinion. They are deliberately stirring up tension where there is none.
A few hundred years ago the same misguided idiots would have been asking 'Is your neighbour an old woman that owns a cat? This could be a sign she's a witch'.

ffin Morons.

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Do You Avoid Eye Contact With New People?

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