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France Votes For New President Amid High Security

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mikey4444 | 06:21 Sun 23rd Apr 2017 | News
20 Answers

Any predictions from us here on AB ? For me, I am fairly sure that Le Pen won't win, but that is as far as it goes.


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It does look like M Macron at the moment. If Le Oen makes the fun off against him or M Fillon then it's pretty much impossible to see her winning. Even if M Melenchon gets through against her she is predicted to lose heavily.
So five euros on Emmanuel. Unless Le Pen is edged out today in which case my money stays where it is :-)
The world already has experience of the election of a babbling, lying, xenophobic cretin to high office.
Lessons will have been learned, surely.
You credit the general public with an IQ they don't deserve Dougie.
There's nothing in that link Zacs that suggests Le Pen is likely to become president. I always find it interesting that she seems to have the best chance v M Fillon. French politics is so extreme though : where else would a discredited socialist party be trailing to a far left candidate. Monsieur Corbyn must be very jealous
That's not a very nice way to speak of Nicola, Douglas.
Ich, apart from her leading the polls?
Yes she has lead in the polls (until recently) but the only poll that ultimately matters is the May 7 one and in that she trails badly.
Intriguingly, if you google 'Frevh election polls' almost top of the list is a hit for an obscure web site claiming Le Pen to be leading by 8 per cent - back last November before M Macron had emerged. Strange, that
She may be many things, jackdaw, but xenophobic isn't one of them.
Unless you count her contempt for 52% of her own countryfolk who disagree with her vision for Brigadoon.

The Scotland/England stuff's just bants. :)
Ok for fun here is my totally arbitrary prediction:
Macron 25%
Le Pen 23
Melenchon 20
Fillon 19
Hamon 8
The rest 5
i confess i don't know much about the French elections, however i thought that Marine Le Pen was doing quite well so far.
I think Le Pen could be in the final.
I expect Le Pen to go through to round 2, but it is by no means a sure thing. All top 4 poll within known margins of error, so for me it is too close to call. I'll wait and see. The mind boggles at the thought of a Le Pen/Melenchon run off!

I know the turnout is up a fraction of a percent on last time, but it still is a disappointingly low turnout, which is probably indicative of a general disillusionment with politics. That may, only may, indicate that more passionate supporters of extreme parties are turning out. It all happens in Round 2 anyway.

Nostalgia: 1st round was accompanied by bonhomie and lots of vin shared around all concerned, no matter what party. R.2 was deadly serious.
Can someone explain to me why there are two votes ?today and May 7th.
The way the French do it is to eliminate all but the last two then have a second round to decide the winner.
Sorry, first two.
Thanks Jackdaw. I didn't know that. So everyone has to vote twice.
a far right candidate and a far left candidate seem to be doing quite well, or so it seems at the moment.
Whatever the outcome France are going to need this 'high security' for many years to come. It isn't going to get better anytime soon.
So now we know the 'exit poll' (not quite the same) Macron 23.7% and Le Pen 21.7%. France 2 is saying that these 2 will be in the final vote - although the complete result is not due for about an hour.

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France Votes For New President Amid High Security

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