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An extract from v_e's BBC reference reads;
" The survey, carried out among 300 imams by the University of Chester, painted a picture of a rapid influx of imams from India, Bangladesh, and especially Pakistan, with limited ability in English, and rudimentary professional qualifications by Western standards.
The survey found that although half of Muslims in Britain were born here, nine out of 10 of their imams came from overseas, 70% of them within the last decade.
Getting on for 90% speak a South Asian language as their mother tongue, and, perhaps more significantly, more than half of sermons are in Urdu. English comes some way behind. "
Also; Approximately 2,000 of Germany's 3,000 mosques are Turkish - of which 900 are financed by the Diyanet İşleri Türk-İslam Birliği, an arm of the Turkish government, and the remainder by other political Turkish groups and most of them do not speak German. The Germans have effectively no say in who these people are, or what they are preaching.