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Vile Tory Spin On Corbyn And ' Shoot To Kill '

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sunny-dave | 10:50 Mon 05th Jun 2017 | News
68 Answers
Let's be clear - the quotes now doing the rounds are from a news report TWO YEARS AGO which was SLAMMED AS INACCURATE by the BBC Trust.

The Tory spin doctors have shamefully used a terrorist attack for electoral advantage, by promoting the video through underhand 'social media' tactics.

This is the condemnation from the BBC Trust of the BBC's own lamentable journalism :

Last night Jeremy Corbyn ACTUALLY said :

"Police must have “full authority” to use “whatever force is necessary to protect and save life.”


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You claim that you are not happy that JC is an IRA supporter yet I suspect you are still going to vote Labour, odd??
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Have you read the BBC Trust judgement, scooping? The video is a fraud and admitted by the BBC to be so.
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I have voted Green (as it happens) - my local Labour candidate is a hopeless numpty in a Tory stronghold and doesn't need encouraging - the good local Greens do.

I think a Labour Government (or at least a Labour dominated coalition) would be better than 5 more years of the useless and inept Mrs May - as Krom has said before, I don't agree with everything they are saying, but on balance they are the best option.
Sunny-Dave, come off it. Jeremy Corbyn is a pacifist with old hippie ideals. He's never going to protect this country as it should be protected.
The BBC trust, now there's an impartial body.

JC was against the shoot to kill policy, he is now saying it is ok. Odd that the country is in rage over these murders so he changes his message as there is an election.

Is that not using the terror attacks for ones own advantage?
When we old hippies and pacifists were young hippies and pacifists the world was a very different place......many of us have changed our minds in response to what is happening today........x
Kuenssberg asked Corbyn: “But if you were prime minister, would you be happy to order people – police or military – to shoot to kill on Britain’s streets?”

To which Corbyn answered: “Er, I would…I’m not happy with a shoot to kill policy in general, I think that is quite dangerous and I think can often be counter-productive. I think you have to have security that prevents people firing off weapons where you can. There are various degrees of doing things, as we know – but the idea you end up with a war on the streets is not a good thing, surely you have to try to work and prevent these things happening – that’s got to be the priority.”
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Indeed, gness - my 20 year old self would be horrified at some of my current opinions.

Was I wrong then to be hopeful and idealistic? No

Am I wrong now to be cynical and pragmatic, some of the time at least? No

The world has moved on - often in some nasty and unpleasant directions - we need to deal with it as it is now, not as we hoped it would be.

Pillorying people who recognise that as "u-turners" is wrong.
I'm still struggling to see why this is anything to do with the Tory party, you seem to be suggesting that they are behind this when it is clearly the BBC et al. Your OP is itself "vile spin".
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TCL - I'm not happy with a "shoot to kill policy in general" - but (as Corbyn has also said) I think there are times when lethal force is the only answer.
Well asked and well answered Sunny Dave. How nasty can the Nasty Party get to cling on to power? Actually as nasty as it gets - and as for 'clinging', we would have been spared that sorry excuse for a referendum had David Cameron not put his party's interests before those of the country.
SUNNY-DAVE, I was not disagreeing with you.

With regards to folk in general who have changed their opinions, whether they be politicians or no, is that always a negative? If the evidence points to an opposing opinion, why should personal viewpoints or sincerely held beliefs not also change?
awww diddums! did the nasty public give the "wrong " answer in the referendum?
Crypto, far from clinging to power they are being given it on a plate by Corbyn and co.
Just over 50% gave the wrong answer. And just under 50% gave the wrong answer.
Depends on your standpoint.
The way I see it, Corbyn is a man who thought Osama Binladen shouldn't have been shot, he called it a "Tragedy". As for Tory Spin SD Momentum and the like have been playing dirty tricks and smear since the start. Alistair Campbell tweeted yesterday that Brexiteers are the same as these murdering Jihadists.
Another quote taken out of context?

"There was no attempt whatsoever that I can see to arrest [bin Laden], to put him on trial, to go through that process. This was an assassination attempt, and is yet another tragedy, upon a tragedy, upon a tragedy."

Sure he called bin Laden's death a tragedy -- but the tragedy Corbyn was referring to was that bin Laden never faced justice in a court of law. That's still, perhaps, debatable, but it's not nearly so unreasonable taken in proper context.
That's not what he said during the IRA troubles.

/// But what about using terror attacks for cheap electoral advantage - are you happy with that? ///

One of politician's jobs is to watch over the security of one's country, and just because a terrorist attack has taken place during election time, it is an important matter for prospective MPs to outlay any future action they propose to take, if they are put in power.

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