She is the gift that just keeps on giving.
If the Harris report concerned itself with something that doesn't come within the brief of the Home Office, and therefore its shadow, she could be forgiven for not knowing its content.
It was quite apparent she hadn't been arsed to read the report, which given the report deals with a subject matter entirely in her purview is an absolute disgrace.
This woman is a political and intellectual pygmy who is doing her party no favours, which is great as far as I am concerned, but I'm surprised she has not been banned from speaking to the media.
The woman is a buffoon.
If most people on this thread generally agree that Abbott is incompetent, don't forget that according to Paul Mason we are all racists. Our criticism has nothing to do with the fact that she has been promoted beyond her very meagre abilities, and everything to do with the fact she is black.
It genuinely concerns me that this idiot of a woman could be the Home Secretary come Friday.