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No Intelligence Failure...

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vetuste_ennemi | 00:42 Sun 11th Jun 2017 | News
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Gromit, to cope with the numbers the 'system' has to be changed completely.
It is clear to me that the police are set up to be Responsive/Reactive as the ability to thwart every attack or be in a position to react to every single "tip off" is a totally impossible proposition.

What can be done........ We all have an opinion. The overwhelming reaction by the public is that we are not satisfied with current preventative measures. Is it as simple as creating 20,000 more police and security services roles, probably not.

The response of Cresida Dick is part of the problem.

If they won't admit that the system is broken, then they are never going to mend it.

Rudd should sack this ridiculous woman, and task her successor with getting it right in future.
Gromit, you've missed (or deliberately ignored) my point about the effects of investigating, en masse, potential terrorists. Can you imagine dozens of police descending on mainly (wholly?) Muslim areas and the effect that would have, even if we had the resources?
It was mainly muslims who reported the Manchester and London attackers. Those muslim communities want to be as safe as the rest of us. I am sure those muslims who supplied the tip offs are as annoyed as the rest of us that those people they named were not properly investigated and that the atrocities were not avoided. They would have been delighted if the terrorists had be arrested, not antagonised.
Arrests do not have to be high profile, they can be done discretely.
yeah well she said that about Jean Charles Menenez
that sh was in charge of and
kept her job....

( also good at the quick-step - quick side-step that is!)

also the propaganda war is being won
amazeballs being expressed at people armed or not running towards men with suicide belts on and taking them on

Gerard the table chucker who figured on a thread a day or so ago is in the back ground
// Gromit, to cope with the numbers the 'system' has to be changed completely.//

and by golly Nigh is the girl to do it !

Dick says - there was no intelligence failure because we didnt have any anyway (intelligence - she means)
Gromit, unfortunately those Muslim communities harbour the people they are complaining about. Their friends and associates would take mass arrests as a call to arms. Hiwever, as I've said previously, maybe forcing them to act will make them make mistakes and reveal more of their network. Difficult situation.
The police say they have twarted 5 attacks, so arrests must have been taking place, and no muslim communities are reported as being upset by that police activity.
The London and Manchester bombers were not rounded up for fear of upsetting muslim communities, they were missed because the intelligence failed.
// Gromit, unfortunately those Muslim communities harbour the people they are complaining about.// ZM

thank god we are back to normal AB after a few sensible words from GromGrom. there is no evidence for ZMz statement. There is a lot of evidence for the contrary - that the communities are assisting the police as disgusted as the anglos are

so if it is an alternative fake fact - hey lets put it with the rest on AB!
Why won't you answer a simple question, mikey?

You keep banging on that the authorities failed ... yet you won't say what should happen to stop future failures.
Peter Pedant, good morning my little stalker. Lovely day.

Gromit, //would have been delighted if the terrorists had be arrested,//

And subsequently imprisoned?
Talbot, Mikey doesn't answer questions, He just wags his finger in a really important way. ;o)
Considering mikey thinks that if you even mention Muslim in a sentence you are delivering an ''anti Muslim rant''

It would be great if he actually grew a pair and answered the question.

Mikey and Gromit both seem to think there is a solution to these atrocities but neither have actually mentioned what the solution is. When they do decide perhaps they could advise the following cities.
Nice, Paris, Stockholm, Brussels, Berlin, Wurzburg, Munich, Ansbach, Reutlingen, Madrid. They are literally dying to know.
The numbers we're talking about are significantly different. A few low key arrests to thwart plots vs mass arrests. A very different scenario.
Question Author
On the question of numbers:

"Counter-terrorism" agencies have 3,000 dangerous suspects under surveillance involving 500 separate "investigations". There are an additional 20,000 more suspects who are not considered a "high" or "immediate" threat. (Putting that in perspective 23,000 is less than .6% of the Muslim population, so deaths by killer bees, lightning and exploding toasters will still be bigger threats than Islamic terrorism: keep calm and carry on.)

Stella Rimington (if my memory is correct) said that to monitor just 2,000 suspected extremists round the clock MI5 would need five, I repeat five times the staff it currently has.

Thanks v_e. Someone else appreciates the scale of the problem other than me.
And me.
Cressinda Dick seemed more concerned about the makeup of the victims rather than the fact they were victims.


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