News1 min ago
Charlie Gard
Heard on the news that this poor little soul will have his life support turned off today - the "powers that be" have also said that the parents will not be allowed to take him home to die. How insensitive is this. Who will it harm ?? Can't imagine how the parents feel. If it were the child of one of the high court judges, would the outcome be the same ? I wonder ? Expect this will bring responses from both sides - I wait with baited breath.
Surely a parent's wishes should be paramount?
10:18 Fri 30th Jun 2017
Given his extrememely frail state there a way of transferring him and keeping him alive for the journey that won't cause him to much distress? I'm assuming that this is the issue, although maybe cost is an issue too. If it is being done just because the powers that be are heartless then that is a different matter
From what I've read on his condition , without all the machinery he is hooked up to his lungs won't be able to function and he could be in pain and distressed when he passes away. Therefore they would basically need to transfer everything in that hospital room to his house, plus all the staff to monitor him.
A very emotive subject. Great Ormond Street have a reputation for child care second to none and i imagine if they thought it would benefit Charlie in any way, shape or form to be allowed to die at his own home, i'm sure they would move heaven and earth to get him there. His parents have offered to meet the cost of such a transfer but their reasons are of a selfish nature. Which is one hundred percent understandable. Who among us would not do the same? I hope this young chap finds peace, soon.
i have said before that having been in this situation myself (turning my child's life support off) i can't understand where the parents are coming from in this case. It is a heartbreaking situation all round, but i cant understand why they want to prolong his agony. However, i can understand their wish to have him at home to die, and on the face of it can't see why it's not possible I expect there is a lot we don't know though as we are only geting one side of the story.
As most NICUs don't allow loads of people in at a time, i can see the attraction of him being at home, with all the family round him.
If i'd have known it were possible, i would have had my daughter's body at home i think
As most NICUs don't allow loads of people in at a time, i can see the attraction of him being at home, with all the family round him.
If i'd have known it were possible, i would have had my daughter's body at home i think