“Things have changed since that was the case,…”
What, since last month, you mean? I’m not talking about a generation ago, I’m talking about now. Most of the students I know are far too busy (playing on their X-Box, farting about with Twitface or whatever or else in the pub) to trouble themselves with the rigours of voting. Yes there may be a few who want to join the revolution and vote multiple times to achieve their aims but they are exceptions.
I agree that postal voting has been the cause of much of the electoral fraud that has taken place. It should never have been made widely available and should be restricted to those who genuinely cannot get to a polling station.
“…but in both the US and UK there's this sinister undercurrent right now that election results either go the way you wanted them to, or only happened the way they did because they were fraudulent.”
Quite agree, Jim. It’s getting silly. The amount of fraud required to significantly influence the outcome of a referendum or a General Election (or a Presidential election) is huge and there is no evidence to suggest that such widespread abuse has taken place. Local elections are a different matter and it does not take much to alter a result as this case (which was not the result of student activity or that of “revolutionary Lefties”)adequately demonstrates: