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Surely This Has Got To Be Praised, But Are These Really Muslims?

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anotheoldgit | 11:00 Sun 30th Jul 2017 | News
93 Answers

The Muslim Council of Britain don't consider Ahmadis as Muslims, and they are banned in Pakistan from referring to themselves as Muslims.


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Oh! dear.......the vultures are hovering. I am just guessing, but I suspect that AOG is using the word "mental" in a wide, non specific sense which is often used for say "confused" or "misled" or some such....NOT describing a mental health disorder. This type of ganging up by the same people against one member is getting monotonous and "dangerous".
12:07 Sun 30th Jul 2017
Oh! dear.......the vultures are hovering.

I am just guessing, but I suspect that AOG is using the word "mental" in a wide, non specific sense which is often used for say "confused" or "misled" or some such....NOT describing a mental health disorder.

This type of ganging up by the same people against one member is getting monotonous and "dangerous".
I've already asked you what new angle of debate you hope to get out of this new thread AOG.

So far you've basically called me 'the likes of you' / told me not to join in and suggested I may be mentally ill. Can I ask you to point out where I've insulted you?

I'll ignore the above if you can answer my first point.
We can all guess Sqad, just some of us may be nearer the truth.

I for one hope this event goes well.

Small steps perhaps but a start that I applaud.
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So nice to know that there is one section of the Muslim community who are prepared to openly state they are against the atrocities that some through the world have been forced to endure, even thought it has been proven that they stand the chance of being murdered for their peaceful beliefs.

Pity that they cannot stand out from the rest in some way, just so that we know who the real villains of the piece really are.
JTH, I haven't seen anyone other than Muslims agreeing that Ahmadis aren't true Muslims.
ZM - AOG seems to be unconvinced that they are truly Muslim in his OP.
AOG, don't 'they' stand out enough in condemning the atrocities? Or did you mean other mainstream Muslims should start decrying terrorism?
SQAD, the problem is that he may mean any number of things but he is very loose with his words and he should be aware of that. He will make a vague, sometimes inflammatory, statement and then when asked to clarify, will ignore the request, say it's obvious, say it's up to us to work it out or then make out it was said tongue-in-cheek.
What do you expect Muslims to do to stand out?

Where I live Muslims feed the homeless.

After the Manchester bombing it was Muslims who fed the emergency staff.

That's just two examples but does that not make them stand out?
JTH, that's really why I gave a link to a 153 answer thread which debated this fact. I thought it strange that, if AOG hadn't been convinced or at least learnt how the Muslim / Ahmadi situation works then what was the point of another thread discussing more or less the same thing.
Anyway, I'm off out for the afternoon so......enjoy y'all.
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/// Any cries of 'well, someone did it to me' is a pathetic excuse. ///

Ah! so you know that the same has been levelled against me in the past then?

The difference being though Mam is the fact that some are in the advantageous position of having certain posts against them removed.
I would have thought that if the Ahmadis consider themselves to be Muslims, then that is what we must also consider them to be. I see no evidence that, say the Eastern Orthodox denomination of Christianity is deemed to be not Christian, or for that matter any of the other (many) denominations World wide.
Are you joining in your own debate AOG?
Ps it's just started raining here so I'm sticking around for a bit.
Where's that wee violin...?
That is precisely why I added that caveat - no excuse or if it is it's that one that should have stayed in the school yard.

Yes - I also know people get things removed, you did yesterday.

Let's stay on the topic.
Oh dear.....the self-justifying whining has started....

How about showing us your stiff upper-lip and rising above it all, AOG?
Togo, the point being debated is whether other Muslims consider them Muslim. If they come out against terrorism, then we're kinda default-bound to agree that they are.
Sqad @ 13.07. I think this site reached a new low yesterday. I have never seen, on any site, the pack mentality at work in such a disturbing fashion. Some of the instigators have previous, but I was aghast to see, what some would deem to be respected members, gleefully join in the pecking party. Sad and extremely distasteful.
^I agree.

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