FinnyMick - // The fact that they were appointed in the first place. Paying lip service to the bad idea that we have to accept muslims within our culture, you seem a bright chap, work it out for yourself,lol. //
We don't 'have to accept' anyone in our culture, but diversity is what makes many cultures, including ours, in the first place.
You appear to be saying - and please correct me if I am mis-reading you - that Muslim officers have been appointed simply because they are Muslims, which is obviously a nonsense, and then they turn out to be corrupt, so therefore multi-culturalism is a failure.
I have worked it our for myself - thanks, and as I see it, it goes like this.
If a Muslim turns up to a recruitment drive for the police, and he is turned away because he is a Muslim, that is religious bigotry, and it is illegal under our laws. Would you sanction a Catholic or a Jew being excluded for their faith?
Your premise appears to hinge on the notion that Muslims are recruited simply to police Muslim communities, which again is nonsense.
Obviously it does make sense to use Muslim officers in Muslim areas when appropriate, and that is a fortunate by-product of their presence, but to suggest that they are recruited in the interests of tokenism is simply not sustainable. Police officers are recruited because they are suitable to be police officers, not simply because they will be Muslim police officers.
I do believe that multi-culturalism is a seriously flawed and disproved concept, but not because some Muslim police officers are corrupt - as I have pointed out, one has nothing to do with the other.