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Girl's Donated Organs Help A Record Eight People

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mikey4444 | 07:11 Fri 08th Sep 2017 | News
7 Answers

A bitter-sweet story, but how proud this girls family must be.


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I hope the family find comfort knowing that their loss will mean so much to others.
Heartbreaking but uplifting
On a slightly different donation. My eldest grandaughter donated bonemarrow at the week-end, she was told the recipient was a baby which is particularly fitting as my grandaughter is training to be a midwife.
my young cousin was killed by a drunk motorbike rider on stolen bike..very tragic but my uncle permitted harvest of all they helped to know that she helped others at such a young age..15..
Please become an organ donor .
Yes, bitter-sweet is how I would describe this story too.
my sister died of the same thing and they harvested all her organs as well, its nice to know that out of something horrible, something good happened. I'd like to know who had the organs and if it was successful.
A beautiful and fitting legacy all Donors leave behind them.

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Girl's Donated Organs Help A Record Eight People

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