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When Are These Idiotic Anti-Democratic Remoaners Going To Give Up?

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anotheoldgit | 11:31 Sun 10th Sep 2017 | News
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I meant 1975 not 1973
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/// No TTT...But its democratic to protest, as these people are
doing. ///

Would you be so accepting if it had been a Far-Right protest?

And please discontinue using that camouflaged most offensive swear word.
I was 10 in 1972, eddie are you saying that we were better off or worse off prior to joining originally.
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/// I always wonder how many of ABs Brexit brigade are actually old enough to have been of voting age and remember when we were still out of the EU back in 1972. ///

The majority I should imagine,that is why we voted to come out, it is not EU that what we voted for.
Well that's a nice colourful peaceful march in the sunshine in London . why be bothered if you are 100% sure of the outcome ?
What most offensive swear word?
AOG, everyone has a right to protest, whether you agree with the principles of the protesters or not. Even the far right.
Ummm....(13:04)....I was wondering about that as well !
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Pity the Left-Wing groups don't think the same, when they turnout in force so as to break up the Right-Wing peaceful protest marches.
Well, when force is used it becomes something other than a protest.
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The one that you sneekly camouflage, so as to escape the AB censors.
Would that be in the post that's been removed?
mikey if you don't know which word, ask the Ab Editor who's removed it.
“…that is without the non voters, who are more 'Remain' than 'Leave' but thought that remain was such a forgone conclusion it was not worth voting.”

Why do you say that, Eddie? You have no idea why people failed to vote and even less of an idea which way they would have voted had they done so.

“It's not anti-democratic to protest, or to march, or to complain about a decision you think is wrong.”

No it’s not. But it’s anti-social and it interferes with people going about their business. There are plenty of ways to protest today (Twitface and all that rubbish) without marching down the streets.

“I always wonder how many of ABs Brexit brigade are actually old enough to have been of voting age and remember when we were still out of the EU back in 1972.”

I was.

“Also how many of you voted in the 'Join the Common Market' referendum in 1975 and how did you vote?”

It wasn’t a “join the common market” referendum, Eddie. We were already in (The EEC) and we were being asked if we wanted to remain. To my eternal shame I voted to remain. But I was young and gullible and could not bring myself to believe that a (very useful and desirable) trading bloc would morph into the car crash that is the EU today.
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/// Well, when force is used it becomes something other than a protest. ///

How do they know beforehand that force is to be used?

But if you are referring to the Lefties then they should refrain from force, or better still take the Right's stand and stay at home and allow groups the democratic right to protest. words...and my opinion...applied to all protesters.
Pre-referendum I waited for words of wisdom from the EU something to give me hope that the EU would listen to the concerns of not only UK Europeans but concerns from all EU citizens ... Nothing.
They took it for granted that we would remain but we voted the wrong way and we all know what happens when you vote the wrong way.

Before the referendum I was a reluctant Brexiter ... I am now a staunch Brexiter.

Can anyone tell me what the EU has done to convince me or any other Brexiter that staying is the way to go?
I agree. But don't try to state that violent protest has never been used by the far right.
Violent protest is used far more by the far left than the far right. Bizarrely many see the violence from one of those sides as perfectly understandable the other not.
Not by me.

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