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Spicerack | 08:11 Sun 01st Oct 2017 | News
21 Answers
Anybody ' got a handle' on what's going on. Is it a Left/Right thing. Eu/anti-Eu.
Are the Eu dictating to the Spanish government?


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As far as I can tell.... Catalan govt resolved to hold a referendum on independence, through their regional parliament. Opposition parties boycotted, meaning the referendum passed with a simple majority. The Catalan constitution says they need a super-majority to do this, but they decided it was legal anyway and carried on. The Spanish govt is the one...
08:18 Sun 01st Oct 2017
The larger a country is, the more powerful it is. Which is why leaders do not like to see countries break up, devolve or leave.
The UK without Scotland is less of a entity.
The EU without the UK is less, and Spain without Catalian is less.
The EU do not want any of its member states to break up, so they support the anti-independence rulers in the UK and Spain. But the EU angle is really a side show, the main force is those striving to keep the country whole and not diminished in power and influence.

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