// But hardly likely to vote for a labour party that is basically full of remoaners. //
Do try and keep up. The left are against the EU, Corbyn voted against Thatcher, Major and Blair when they ratified EU Treaties in the Commons. Corbyns supporters want out of the EU more than May, Hammond and the rest of the Conservative Remainer MPs. But that is irrelevent, the Conservatives have to press ahead with a policy that will please almost no one.
The referendum was won by Leave, and the voters were promised certain benefits on leaving
- More spending on the NHS
- Savings of £Billions on our membership fee
- More trade with the rest of the world
- More jobs
- Running our own affairs
If just one of those things does not in fact happen,then the voters will punish the party that is in power, the Conservative Party.
I hope for everyones sake that we can replace EU trade with more trade with the US. But we are in serious trouble if it doesn't, and making trade agreements is very complex and something we haven't had to do for 4 decades.
The relative easy negociation of leaving the EU is proving beyond the wit of Davis and Co., so it does not bode well for more tricky tasks like cutting a deal with Turkey, China, Russia et al.