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Should The Nhs Fund This?

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youngmafbog | 09:59 Sun 08th Oct 2017 | News
87 Answers
Regardless of whther you belive this sort of thing should be happening should it really be up to the NHS to fund it?

Personally I think not. The NHS is struggling with life and death cases so lifestyle choices should not be paid for. And that appies to boob jobs and other nosense paid by the tax payer.


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"Halting puberty amounts to messing with nature in my opinion..."

I don't understand how anyone can make this argument without also being blind to the obvious truth that *all* medical treatment is "messing with nature", or that almost all medical treatments these days involve being "pumped full of synthetic chemicals".

I mean, you may as well be honest: it's not messing with nature per se that bothers you, is it?
woofgang, I suppose Naomi would be happy for people to delay the onset of puberty if they so wish -- but only after they have reached 18.

No Jim, Im not in the least bit averse to employing medical intervention to stop or slow down a malignant process or to stop someone bleeding to death, or to prevent a baby being stillborn with the cord wrapped around its neck - but those are medical emergencies. A tad different dontcha think?
Well the doctors wanted to mess with nature when it came to my son by given him growth hormones. Lock those doctors up because I neither agreed nor disagreed. I left the decision to my son!

Locking up parents or taking the child into care is beyond the ridiculous!

I'll bow to your superior medical knowledge NoM.

I still don't agree with you though.
Exactly, NoM. To say it's "messing with nature" is just a front. If you disagree with the whole concept, then you may as well just say so.
No - far far too young. At the moment he is enjoying female clothes etc.
Are vaccinations 'messing with nature'?
Woofgang, yes, I understand what the treatment is for. My posts stand.

Jim, you're not good at sarcasm.

"Are vaccinations 'messing with nature'?"

A better description would be that vaccines are helping nature, by stimulating the normal immune system.
I would hesitate to describe them as .."messing."
I can see a case for this being made available on the NHS only if there is a reasonably reliable to way to tell the difference between someone who is genuinely transgender and someone who is suffering gender dysphoria, which people overwhelmingly grow out of naturally.

At the moment, there is no way to tell the difference, so even with all of the checks and conditions applied to these treatments I am uncomfortable with it being publicly funded.

I also think the trans lobby needs to figure out whether being transgender is an internal biological thing (in which case this treatment becomes a valid part of treating a medical problem), or whether it is a question of identity (in which case it is cosmetic). At the moment we hear messages going both ways to deliberately "mystify" the experience of being trans. A decision has to be made.
I also think allowing such treatment on a child given the current state of knowledge about this condition is seriously questionable because it lends such a high degree of power to parents.
The truth, that no one wants to accept, is that all medical intervention in people of a reproductive age is weakening the human genome, which will ultimately lead to the demise of humanity.
I largely agree with you Sqad however, it seems to be being inferred, that any kind of medical intervention is 'messing with nature'.......unless it suits you.
Eccles......unless it suits ME?
Throw old people on the scrap heap in favour of treating the young. ?I thought the NHS treated everyone from cradle to grave? We should not be giving this boy expensive puberty-delaying drugs. In 20 years working in a psychiatric hospital I only ever came across one person having gender reassignment. Nowadays we are hearing about such cases every week. Why do you think that is ?
Ummmm, your point isn't really a point. As someone who has worked in paediatric endocrinology I do see the rationale for growth hormones in certain cases as its not suppressing nature but jump starting it when it appears to be needed.

Your comment is incredibly childish, as is Eccles' snide remark.

However it doesn't really matter what I post, the two of you will be right behind me nitpicking and bearing inordinate disdain for every single word. Seriously, have you nothing better to do?
Halting puberty amounts to messing with nature in my opinion and requires nature to be suppressed.
The same could be said about the pill, but there'snot many people who dont think that should be available on the NHS i suppose
Grow up NoM and stop being such a baby. You, not yet a mother, suggested the parents should be locked up or the child taken into care. Did you really think that through....I mean seriously think it through.

And for the information of others I barely post on your threads or to you as you so childishly started to ignore me because I agreed with someone else against you!
Sqad not you personally the general 'you'.

If that's how you feel NoM so be it.

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