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mushroom25 | 16:56 Sat 04th Nov 2017 | News
59 Answers
.....does that mean we should? womb transplants for transgender people are imminent...

an extreme example perhaps, but science can now definitely buck nature. is it time for ethics to stand aside and allow people to become anything that science can make them?


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My friend's mother had 8 Caeseareans - in her later day she suffered for it.
////had a male give birth to them///- like to see the men giving birth through their Charlie.
Don't have any issue with it at all
No. It’s weird, freaky and unnatural, and interferes with nature way too much.
Instead of wasting money researching stuff like this, money should be spent on research for improving things for people that have a genuine medical condition.
^%&%ing ridiculous, there is no shortage of people, end of.
It's an implant really...
The huge advantage would be how freeing it would be for women- as it would be possible for most men and not just "transgender". We would actually be close to real equality as the disadvantages could be shared.
However, I am not convinced it's a healthy thing to do. I think it's a step too far.
well if they want to mix and match body parts fine but do it with their own moola.
major plumbing, where does the mmm push now...go ?
I cannot think that many if any would undergo major surgery just because they can.
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whilst a transplanted womb would theoretically fit into a body born as an "x-y", natural birth would be impossible because of the narrow pelvis inherent; so no "mmmm push now" - maybe in future the in-phrase for caesarian mothers will be "too macho to push". plus not being born x-x, an x-y pregnancy will require constant medical and chemical intervention to account for the x-y's body's lack of ability to manage changes imposed by gestation. none of this will come cheap and will raise all sorts of questions as to prioritizing NHS resources.
NHS is supposedly for Healthcare, not to do harm. There will never be justification that this is for health, from anybody's point of view. It would have to be private.
A geriatric mother requires constant supervision as does a mother with special needs they too cost the NHS are you going to stop them mushroom?
That is healthcare, for people who need it. That isn't the same as the NHS deliberately causing a dangerous situation in the first place.
Nursing the sick and elderly is different from transplanting a womb where it shouldn't be, Islay, but I suspect you know that already.
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//A geriatric mother requires constant supervision as does a mother with special needs they too cost the NHS are you going to stop them mushroom? //

by geriatric mothers, do you mean post menopausal? now that's another area where a serious look needs to be taken at the wisdom of bucking the natural end of female fertility, just because science can do it. how selfish is the mother who has a child not knowing if she'll live long enough to see it grow up?
Well, nobody can guarantee That, to be fair, mushroom. And while life expectancy has rocketed, the age of the menopause hasn't changed. But it's a different subject really.
Geriatric pregnancy is often used in medical speak for over 35 year old first time Mothers.
No a geriatric mother is someone who falls pregnant but is at the older range so someone who is 40.
Thank you Mamya
have a day off islay, a slightly older mother is in no way comparable to one of these attention seekers. If they want to play pick and mix with body parts they can do it with their own dosh, not the resources of the overburdened NHS.

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