So, this is a pretty big question:
(apologies for my bad english)
So, let me introduce myself: I'm Tobias, I'm 14 years old and dutch. I think I'm gay, but im' not sure. Since a while ago, I started liking boys more than girls. I like this guy in my class, but not really any girls. For instance, I don't like anything like megan fox, some hooters girl or some other famous or "hot" girl(or anyone I know). I've been doing these tests, they say I'm gay, but it's the internet soooo... Also, i have this thing where i WANT to be gay, and don't get me wrong, i wouldn't mind to be gay. if needed more information, please ask .
You are too young for your hormones to have settled-down. Just be friendly with people and enjoy life. Most gay people I know tell me that they knew (or suspected) from a very young age - younger than you. Having said that, I know 2 who reached adulthood (and I mean in their 20's)before they knew their sexuality. 'Hot' girls are a turn-off for a lot of straight males, in fact. Just enjoy your life now.
As earlier posts say, at 14 it's hard to be certain. Some people know at that age but some don't. If you're happy that's all that matters.
And your English is very, very good.