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The nightmare is circuses are still using these fabulous creatures. I'm stunned, an absolute crying shame.
terrible waste, i hate circuses that still use these endangered species.
wouldn't happen here, I don't think circuses use animal acts any more. Britain has to make do with lynxes and things, at least until the wolves return.
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Talking about animal cruelty, has anyone rid an elephant in Thailand? Well check this out
3 - 1 against Bolton, I think they're back.
What a tragic end for a beautiful animal.
douglas wrong thread perhaps....
how sad
No emmie, just slightly off colour maybe.
ok mate
" The animal has been neutralized..." as if the poor creature has just gone up in a puff of smoke. Couldn't they have tranquilised it? Or was that too risky? Such a senseless loss.
BA for Prudie !
Disgraceful, appalling waste of a magnificent creature's life.
In a poll taken outside the station, travellers confirmed by a vast majority that they'd rather the tiger was dead than they were being ragdolled on the platform while 'experts' were consulted on what to do.
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"Couldn't they have tranquilised it? Or was that too risky? Such a senseless loss.”

No guarantee with tranquillisers, too much and it could kill me the animal, too little and it could enrage the tiger Who then goes to kill a whole bunch of people.
Actually, they got eat 3-2 Douglas.

I would ban this barbaric practice if I were in charge of the EU or some other important organisation.
Irrespective of the rights and wrongs of having animals in circuses the fact remains that a wild tiger was on the loose in a residential area. Killing it was the only safe option.
Jack....alas, you may be right.
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In the link it says

“The tiger then entered railway station where it 'threatened rail passengers'

Wouldn’t you just have a heart attack if you went to board a train with a cup of Starbucks coffee thinking about what to have for dinner later when you walked around a corner and was confronted by a pack of fully grown angry tigers, bears or gorillas threatening rail passengers.

The circus needs to quickly review its security before people are killed.

Needless to say if I was in that part of France the next time potentially lethal animals were in the vicinity I’d make sure my home was fully barricaded or make sure I wasn’t there full stop.
Apologies for inaccuracy Talbot, it has no place in what I like to call 'comedy'. ;-)

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