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Rip Keith Chegwin

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Islay | 14:23 Mon 11th Dec 2017 | News
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His family have just announced his death following a long illness aged 60.
Feeling a wee bit sad.


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R.I.P. Keith.
I have just heard, driving home in the car. Its a bit of shock as he is only 5 years younger than me....never realised that he was that old !

Yes RIP Cheggers.
I wasn't suggesting there was any scandal, just that the sight of him with a woman on each arm made my friends and I have a bit of a 'eughhh' moment.

Mikey, he isn't old and neither are you, unless you want to be.
Does anyone know if his twin brother Jeff is still alive ?
He always came across as very well mannered.
I believe he is Mikey.
The reason I was asking was because I thought his illness might have a genetic factor, but its seems it doesn't :::::::
This is so sad. RIP Cheggers.
Have you forgotten his sister, Janice Long, Mikey?
rip sad..Saturday morning swap shop with his ex Maggie Philbin was always a favourite
Amazing he survived this long given his battles with alcohol back in the 80's and 90's. A man who was honest about his problems and got help, sad he had to go like this. Fondly remembered.
Unlikely he will have died so young Mikey?

x x x
Was on a quiz show many years ago called Tellystack (it didn't last) and in each episode the contestants were joined by a celebrity and I got Keith Chegwin. He was brilliant. They taped 5 episodes in a day and all the other celebs did their bit and went. Keith stayed on to the end and chatted to us all and helped me win a TV. Thank you Keith. You were a star. Condolences to your family.
That's lovely to hear, BD....I didn't know him but a friend did and had great respect for him......said what a nice chap he was to be with....

Sad that he's died so young....x
Never liked him much - but sorry to hear of anyone dying too soon.
I liked him, he liked to laugh and could laugh at himself ... RIP Cheggars.
Sorry to hear this, 60 is very young, and sorrier that the BBC inadvertently broadcast someone saying ' probably too much smoking' when they announced it, that's really shoddy broadcasting and not on, his poor family must feel awful :(
I only remember him as an up-and-coming young sprog on programmes which I didn't watch and my children had outgrown. 60 is terribly young these days. I have no reason to disbelieve kvalidir, so a definite slap on the hand to the BBC. Everyone does something unwise. R.I.P.
The Beeb has having technical difficulties during a live broadcast and a guest made the comment off camera but it was unfortunately broadcast.
The Beeb did apologise

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