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Rip Keith Chegwin

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Islay | 14:23 Mon 11th Dec 2017 | News
44 Answers
His family have just announced his death following a long illness aged 60.
Feeling a wee bit sad.


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I’ve just seen that. How sad and no age at all. RIP Keith.
Awww. That's terrible my kids will be gutted they used to love him when they were little. RIP Cheggers
RIP Cheggers. Only sixty!
RIP cheggars always a happy chappy
dearie me, no age at all.

RIP Keith
RIP Keith - you always had a smile.
That's really sad, he came across as a really likeable guy.

He was like Tony Blackburn, happy to embrace his 'loveable numpty' image because he was shrewd enough to know where a successful career could be found.
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Fond memories of when I was a child watching him - he came across really genuine and friendly.
Pulmonary fibrosis is a dreadful condition, it killed a good friend of mine.

Can't believe it is 17 years since he was in Naked Jungle. RIP, Keith.
Noooo! Can't believe it! Not cheggers... So young. Very sad. :°(
Oh no, too soon. RIP Cheggers.
A friend has this condition x
Oh, this is sad news. He always seemed very likable & happy.

RIP Keith.
My son and daughter will be devastated at this news. He was one of their favourites. RIP Keith, you made many people happy.
R.I.P. MR Chegwin... I have fond memories of you being larger than life.
He entertained me through my childhood but as an adult my view slowly changed. It was confirmed last year when I saw him at the local county show ground with a blonde bombshell on each arm, it was a somewhat creepy sight.
.. are you sure it wasn't Pat Sharpe. He'll give anyone the chills that fella.
As far as I know there has been no scandal about him and has been married to the same woman for 17 years.
I was very sad on hearing this news earlier....a true gentleman, a genuinely nice and likeable guy.
Rest peacefully, Keith.

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