Crosswords0 min ago
Welcome To The AnswerBank News, the home of the latest news headlines and topical debate on The AnswerBank. Discuss UK and worldwide news here.If you'd like to discuss politics that doesn't relate to a specific story or event, head over to our Politics section OR Current Affairs.
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
Well done lad. https:/ / /news/a rticles /crl3d5 gyxr7o . ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /cql569 v0pq2o ...
https:/ /news.s story/g overnme nt-dema nds-imm ediate- mandato ry-hous ing-pla ns-from -counci ls-to-b uild-1- 5m-home s-13271 785 They can't just click their fingers and magic up thousands of houses. ...
I don't know what to say really. This is quite frightening don't you think? https:/ / nservat ivewoma /terror -inquir y-into- pro-ham as-spea ker-at- oxford- union/ ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c nance/p ersonal finance /198789 0/Labou r-green -light- hike-st ate-pen sion-ag e-70 This is now getting vindictive. ...
https:/ / eguardi us-news /2024/d ec/12/t rump-ti me-maga zine-pe rson-of -the-ye ar a worthy winner? ...
//Questions need to be answered over the murder of 10-year-old Sara Sharif, Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has said, as ministers prepare "stronger safeguards" for children being taught at... ...
... ...
I just read that our government is giving £11 million to Syria. Who is it sending 'the cheque' to?
https:/ / eguardi politic s/2024/ dec/12/ majorit y-of-br exit-vo ters-wo uld-acc ept-fre e-movem ent-to- access- single- market- uk-eu // Based on polling of more than 9,000 people across the UK and... ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /cd0en9 mn8mko ...
This appalling case is now the subject of an enquiry by Surrey County Council. Rachael Wardell, executive director for children, families and lifelong learning at Surrey County Council, said: "We... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/uk/1 987301/ reform- blast-u k-schoo l-askin g-gaza- fast-la bour https:/ / n-gb/ne ws/worl d/schoo l-asks- pupils- to-fast -for-ga za/ar-A A1vCyr9 would you let your... ...
MSM gets a fair amount of flak for bias and not reporting some news etc. but, looks like they may have little choice. Apparently, in the UK at least, it's not permitted to tell the truth, or it... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/19 87076/e d-milib ands-cl ean-ene rgy-sla mmed lets have an £8.3bn pointless quango! ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /c3vrw9 pd16do no unnecessary expenditure? Right oh! ...
Boris's latest load of balderdash and poppycock is that he is Autistic and he has an Empathy problem.I think this is a LOB Anyone agree with me ....
https:/ /www.sp ectator article /david- lammys- geograp hy-gaff e/ \\During a debate on Syria on Monday afternoon, Lammy insisted to fellow parliamentarians that Libya was ‘next door’ to Syria,... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/19 86808/a ngela-r ayner-p hotogra pher-ta xpayer ...
//A research centre with suspected links to chemical weapon production was among the sites hit, according to local media reports. Israel says it is acting to stop weapons falling "into the hands of... ...