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Boris Brexit Champion

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Gromit | 10:21 Mon 01st Jan 2018 | News
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// The prime minister is said to be considering offering the foreign secretary, Boris Johnson a move to a Brexit delivery role in a reshuffle designed to revitalise the Conservative front bench //


// David Davis's allies fear that he risks being "marginalised" if Boris Johnson is handed a new "super-charged" Brexit role in a forthcoming Cabinet reshuffle. //

Everyone can welcome this news.



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Emmie....then we agree, but not all of our rabid BTREXITEERS on AB do.
As a 'rabid' Brexiteer I also agree, but the HOP will pay a heavy price if they ignore the will of the people.
If you think the grinning chimp is unfit to steer the country through complex negotiations just wait until Boris The Unprepared is let loose.
The man's lack of preparedness is legendary, his statesmanship a mere figment of his imagination.
give me five minutes, douglas, I'm trying to think of a counter-argument
Dougie....then I await with baited breath lots of comedic value left in this it would seem !
It seems David Davis and Liam Fox are proving incompetent - who saw that coming(!) - so it wouldn’t be a surprise. At some point if Brexit is to be saved they’ll probably have to be replaced. Repeat the above sentence also replacing ‘Brexit’ with ‘Britain’ . Take your pick :-)
And all of this is happening 15 months before we leave !
‘I don't recall being told how hard it was going to be, to exit the EU, in the run-up to the Referendum’

Then you Mikey, as I suspect a lot of leave voters did, failed to educate yourselves.
From the Guardian pre vote:
‘“Following a vote for Brexit, parliament must decide what EU law it intends to preserve, what should be modified and what should be repealed,” said Bogdanor. “Brexiters might argue that this exercise is best carried out by those who believe in it, rather than by the pro-EU majority in the present House of Commons.”

Please note the word ‘parliament’.

From the Mirror:
‘What happens next will change our country fundamentally and shape its future for several decades. In the short term, there could be chaos on the markets, heated negotiations and political turmoil’
‘And there’s a further catch: the final deal has be agreed by EU leaders via a qualified majority vote, a majority in the European Parliament and by the remaining 27 national parliaments across the EU’

The Independent:
‘The disruption for British business could last well beyond the time taken to reach a divorce settlement with the EU (which is expected to take at least two years)’ note the prediction of a divorce settlement.
......One problem would be a lack of capacity and expertise in the civil service on trade talks, because they are currently handled by the EU. Another delay could be caused by the EU insisting that its new trade deal with the UK be negotiated after the exit agreement. That could delay the EU-UK trade deal until 2021’

Ignorance is no excuse. To say we’re werent informed is a blatant lie.

Much of this was dismissed as ‘project fear’
ZM, I think mikey was hinting that the Brexiters never mentioned any of this. The rest of the world saw it coming.
Then he should have been clearer jno.

Ich, yes I do believe it was trumpeted as project fear. And now that it has become reality, it’s still being lauded as such by some. Ignorance is bliss, eh?
many Brexiteers did know it was going to be tough. and it is.
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The first round of our Brexit talks were only concluded successfully after May took personal control. Davis continued to brief, but had to be publicly corrected a couple of times after he seemingly didn’t understand what we had agreed to. Davis is a liability.
Emmie....I don't share your confidence.

Most of the people who voted to leave that I have met, did so to "get rid of all these foreigners that are taking our jobs"

I doubt if one in ten considered how we were going to achieve it
In some circumstances a Commons vote isn't useful. With regards to Brexit, renegotiation is not going to be an option. The EU isn't going to say, "ok", and give ground after an agreement's been made. Giving that as an option only allows remainers to continually reject and delay. So the choice can only be between accepting whatever deal is struck, or rejecting it and going for the WTO option. And no one can see the Commons having the courage to vote for that. So any vote is superfluous.
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The first round of negotiations were the easy part. It was essentially a quibble over money. EU wanted €60 billion, we offered €20 billion. It should not have taken 500 days to reach a figure somewhere inbetween.
The hard bit will be the trade talks, and we are now left with too little time because of Davis dragging his heels.
"many Brexiteers did know it was going to be tough. and it is"

Not really. They did assume we'd have a better negotiation team, and maybe thought that the EU team valued trade agreements, but that's life. The wonder is why we've not gone with WTO yet given the EU's attitude.
And no one can see the Commons having the courage to vote for that. So any vote is superfluous.

required none the less, unless you've given up on the notion of parliamentary democracy because MPs refuse to vote the way you want.
‘They did assume we'd have a better negotiation team’

Why did they do that when it was obvious that we were lacking in skilled trade talks people as pointed out in the Independant clip which I copied and pasted?
The bottom line is that the EU will never negotiate with us. That was clear from when DC went begging to Bruxelles and was sent way with nothing. This alone should have shown any half wit that any 'negotiations' were going to be pointless.

//Most of the people who voted to leave that I have met, did so to "get rid of all these foreigners that are taking our jobs" //

I suggest you get a larger circle of friends, however, judging by your unwillingness to listen and ignore to anyone on here who voices anything that you dont want to hear I suspect you have done the same with people you met.

//The first round of our Brexit talks were only concluded successfully after May took personal control.//

A remainer capitulated, no surprise there then. There is nothing successful in the first round for the UK whatsoever.

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