This is the situation we Jo Public find ourselves in now. The dearth or mal treatment of an animal gets more publicity than a baby battered to death!. Being a social worker in the ( child protection department) is one of the hardest jobs.they are overworked, understaffed, stressed/ depressed, they are in a no win situation, and yes they do make the wrong decision sometimes, they also make right decisions. That ttt should allowed to express such bile on a profession is lamentable. RIP this wee boy .
Totally agree with you TTT, far too many babies and toddlers slip through the so called system, but I would love five minutes alone with these scumbag parents preferably with a big stick in my hands and I care not who that offends on here. Also I do not agree that the maltreatment of animals gets more media time, we often hear of babies and toddlers tortured or murdered by their parents. ALL abuse is vile.
/For Funks Sake these brainless buffoons time and again get it wrong/
What about the children that are rehomed and looked after because of the good work that SS does - I bet you that number is significantly higher.
Islay it probably is higher, but look at the cases coming out of the woodwork, grooming gangs preying on vulnerable children, little toddlers like this one, fall through the net somehow, 5 dead in 10 years in one place alone, how many more like Baby Peter are there across the country..
Social services can't do anything if someone is not on their radar.
A little boy died here recently. His father has been charged with murder (not convicted) He was a single parent to his kids but unless SS had been contacted they wouldn't know.
Out of interest has anyone here actually had significant contact with social services?
I have bother personal and professional and they are extremely hard working and what they have seen would make most of you want to hide away and never be seen again!
Yes Islay, my comment was more to emmie. And I like your last post too. Tora does seem to let his emotions override his ability to assess things objectively at time.
This would of course be an appropriate time to try and understand how social services can be improved and more cases like this can be prevented.
In the case of this thread, unfortunately, our ability to do that is somewhat hampered by the OP's attitude. That is, needless politicisation of a child's death in order to make it yet another cookie-cutter version of exactly the same "i h8 lefties" thread, which appears to be the only way that your brain is capable of processing news stories.
JtH is bang on. And so is zacs. It's never going to be an exact science- and short of removing all children from their parents when they are born, it never will be. The fault is entirely with the perpetrators.