Britains Worst Prison in The AnswerBank: News
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Britains Worst Prison

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nailit | 20:49 Fri 19th Jan 2018 | News
87 Answers

I spent 6 weeks in this prison 20 years ago, at the end of an 8 month sentence. It felt like 6 years at the time. It was just as bad (perhaps even worse) then.
Just curious as to how some people...here and elsewhere... continually see prison as a holiday camp? Not argueing about the rights and wrongs of prisoners or their conditions, just curious as to how people can still equate going to jail with a holiday in Butlins?

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// ... I never had cause to give such things much thought, but a few years ago circumstances changed all that. //

I let to a few ex con drug dealers in order to give them a chance and a second start in their miserable lives- and what did I learn ?
why they had gone to prison in the first place

HMP the 'pule is the old Walton Gaol innit ?
one of my co workers had slopped out for sixty days there on remand for GBH
acquitted on indictment
small wiry guy - face that looked like a very keen but unsuccessful boxer
so reoffending is very high, does that follow because prisons are not comfy..?
Is there a reason why you used my response as a preamble to your reply Peter?
They mightn't be the most comfy, fender, but they certainly get more repeat bookings than any other holiday camps.
// Is there a reason why you used my response as a preamble to your reply Peter?//

yes of course there is my sweet

mml - well I dont understand dat at all ! you weirder dan dey say - and my god dat isnt sane !! weirdo freak!

PP no but - it is about changing one's mind

mml - why dat den ?

PP because you said you had changed your mind
and guess what MML ? ( MML - wot den ?)
I did too: we both changed our minds after experiences.
(MML - whaaaaaa?)
I thought I cd help some ex cons back on the road after prison. I cdnt and got screwed as well.

( common experience according to probation officers - you help once or twice and then pass them on the street, and say to yourself - well you made a decision to do that )

and so MML that is why I used your quote -
we had both been changed by experience of prisoners

MML why thank you Peter it all makes perfect sense - we both underwent experiences that changed our attitudes. I can clearly see that now. It may be called 'learning'. Peter: Service ma'am

Please note reader to those that have made it this far
MML is made up dialog.....
Had great times at Butlins in the 60's as a kid. I'd love to relive those days actually.

I'm with ludwig and naomi on this one.

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