Spicerack - // The anti-Golly brigade are in a very small minority but, as usual, they make the most noise while deciding what the rest of us should think, say, do. Fascists. //
It is highly fashionable for a section of the on-line community to assume offence on behalf of others to whom they have no connection.
It is equally fashionable for another section of the on-line comunity to pour scorn and venom on the 'virtue signallers' (as the media-generated phrase describes them) in equal measure.
But I do think that we all need to be careful that we don't allow such sideshows to distract us from the original issue being highlighted.
Just because any issue worthy of positive and negative social comment becomes hijacked by everyone taking turns to get more outraged than their opposition, should not mean that we lose sight of the genuine validity of the issue under discussion.
So whether you are a 'what's the harm?' on one side, or a 'racist throwback with no place in 2018' on the other, the actual issue is still important because it reflects on us as a society, and the way in which we want to establish and maintain fairness and equality for everyone.