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When I was at school at the ages of 14-16, in the 1960's, our PE Teacher used to line us boys up against the wall bars, and he, and another Teacher would walk down the line, looking down our white PE shorts, to see if we had our underpants on underneath.
You weren't allowed to wear underpants under your shorts, but some boys wore Speedo-type bathers instead, which were allowed.
I never felt comfortable when this was going on, but the PE Teacher and his "friend" were largish chaps and we all just put up with it. We would have had a clout around the head, if we didn't agree. This was a hard school, with over 1000 boys from all the surrounding Council Estates attending.
Quite why the PE Teacher thought it appropriate to have the assistance of the Welsh (language) Teacher to assist him in this strange ritual, I shall never know.
Nothing else went on....that was it, although the PE Teacher sometimes used to pile into the showers after Rugby with us boys, "to save water" Wales !
Of course, I now realise what was going on, but I didn't really understand at the time. Us boys just put up with it and moved on I suppose.
I am sure that that sort of things doesn't happen now, but those kind of stories were not uncommon in the 1960's.