Film, Media & TV3 mins ago
You Can Always Rely On The U S To Do The Right Thing.........
39 Answers
https:/ /news.s story/o klahoma -to-use -nitrog en-gas- to-exec ute-dea th-row- inmates -112902 17
..........after all other alternatives have been exhausted! For a nation that has capital punishment they sure are terrible at carrying it out.
..........after all other alternatives have been exhausted! For a nation that has capital punishment they sure are terrible at carrying it out.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.yes JD the British drop hanging is a very efficient way. One thing that always puzzled me though is why, whenever it comes up, we go on about how quick they were to get it done. Why is it relevant that it takes less than a minute to get the prisoner out of the cell and hanged. Personally I'd rather take more time and avoid a mistake.
Interesting way of execution, some may say it’s too calm for prisoners who have committed the most heinous crimes but I’m not here to judge these hypothetical situations.
More about Inert gas asphyxiation and it’s step by step way of killing a human being here but it isn’t anything alarming or gory.
https:/ /en.m.w ikipedi iki/Ine rt_gas_ asphyxi ation
The most funniest from your link ttt was this sentence
“Pharmaceutical companies have restricted the supply of their drugs because they believe they should be used to treat the sick, rather than kill convicts.”
What a load of rubbish, are we to believe that big pharma doesn’t sell its drugs to the highest bidder whatever the circumstances?
This has nothing to do with big Pharmas newly grown halo and morals and everything to do with the scare of big lawsuits against the fda filtering to big pharma for its drugs being used for executions after complaints by prisoners families and prisoner rights groups.
http:// solitar ywatch. com/201 1/02/09 /death- row-inm ates-su e-the-f da-over -execut ion-dru gs/
^Funny paragraph from that link
Along with several other states, including Arizona and Tennessee, California ended up ordering sodium thiopental made in Britain, through a West London pharmaceutical supplier that doubles as a driving school,“
I mean really?
More about Inert gas asphyxiation and it’s step by step way of killing a human being here but it isn’t anything alarming or gory.
The most funniest from your link ttt was this sentence
“Pharmaceutical companies have restricted the supply of their drugs because they believe they should be used to treat the sick, rather than kill convicts.”
What a load of rubbish, are we to believe that big pharma doesn’t sell its drugs to the highest bidder whatever the circumstances?
This has nothing to do with big Pharmas newly grown halo and morals and everything to do with the scare of big lawsuits against the fda filtering to big pharma for its drugs being used for executions after complaints by prisoners families and prisoner rights groups.
^Funny paragraph from that link
Along with several other states, including Arizona and Tennessee, California ended up ordering sodium thiopental made in Britain, through a West London pharmaceutical supplier that doubles as a driving school,“
I mean really?
“Hanging is efficient”
At killing yes, but as not efficient at causing no pain or leaving a horrible vision for those watching.
If the rope is too short then you have the executed kicking and struggling for enough time to leave a visual scar on those that are watching and prisoner rights groups and vulture lawyer will be rubbing their hands in glee from the wings.
If the rope’s too long then instead of a hanging we have a complete decapitation, once again I point at prisoner family support charities and lawyers.
At killing yes, but as not efficient at causing no pain or leaving a horrible vision for those watching.
If the rope is too short then you have the executed kicking and struggling for enough time to leave a visual scar on those that are watching and prisoner rights groups and vulture lawyer will be rubbing their hands in glee from the wings.
If the rope’s too long then instead of a hanging we have a complete decapitation, once again I point at prisoner family support charities and lawyers.
This Robert Goodale I’m guessing ttt.
It would be a hi tech execution no doubt, weight, top and drop calculated by computers etc.. but there is still too many variables to make it the problem free go to execution procedure as just one mistake one time and you should know by now the ending with courts, prisoner families rights groups, vulture lawyers, changes in the law, public backlash and large payouts.
It would be a hi tech execution no doubt, weight, top and drop calculated by computers etc.. but there is still too many variables to make it the problem free go to execution procedure as just one mistake one time and you should know by now the ending with courts, prisoner families rights groups, vulture lawyers, changes in the law, public backlash and large payouts.
Forgot the Robert Goodale link which highlights what I’ve been saying to a t.
http:// www.bri tishexe cutions executi on-cont ent.php ?key=13 07& termRef =Robert %20Good ale
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/List_ of_meth ods_of_ capital _punish ment#An cient_m ethods
Always read this if I need to work up an appetite.
Always read this if I need to work up an appetite.