Could The Person Who Is Moderating This...
Editor's Blog1 min ago
Fireworks should be BANNED, Full Stop, they cause NOTHING but trouble, If the Goverment can't ban them completely, then they should be sold ONLY to Organised events Holders that have a Licence to use them, They are all too easy to buy, Im sickened by the recent news of the Barn Fire in Bury in which a Horse died, this fire was started by Thugs playing with Fireworks. The Barn from what I can gather was a Home for Neglected horses, one horse, the last horse out suffered extensive Burns, and died a day later, the other 4 or 5 horses are suffering terribly. I cannot and will NEVER understand why these dangerous items have never been banned to the Public , however pretty they may be they are a BIG DANGER to People and Animals , those Thugs that caused this unnecessary suffering should recieve the same treatment. Im disgusted .
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.10ClarionSt- The point you seem to be missing is that the issue most animal owners seem to have with fireworks is that there is no escape for the animals from the noise, even within the confines of their own home.
Most public displays are held in public parks or open ground that, while not ideal, certainly put more of a distance between the display & private houses than the next door neigbour's garden, or the street outside.
The other difference is that public displays generally are held across one or two nights - what bliss to think that my dogs would only be disturbed by fireworks for a couple of nights. Instead, for weeks leading up to bonfire nights, there are fireworks being let off on a continual basis. And they are not the fireworks of a few years ago. There now seems to be a "bigger & louder is better" brigade that are happy to spend up to �30 on a single firework. Totally unsuitable for a "garden" style display, as there are guidelines that come with these fireworks about exclusion distances from buildings, which are totally ignored.
Not only are fireworks available at this time of the year, but there now also seems to be a trend to include fireworks as part of Christmas & New Year celebrations. Where is the history in that?
If the world was full of thoughtless & selfish people like yourself, who then have the gall to try to justify your actions by basically putting two fingers up to the concerns of your neigbours, what a terrible place it would be. Unfortunately, morons like yourself seem to be on the increase - the " I'm alright Jack..f**k everyone else" mentality is on the increase.
I grew up greatly enjoying November 5; the sound and the spectacle of fireworks are great for kids. They were only on sale for a week or so beforehand - not by law, that was just the only time anyone bought them. Broadly, I think that's still the case, although like Christmas they seem to start a bit earlier each year.
As for pets - well, I find myself in agreement with 10CSt (and unimpressed by the insults directed at him). Neither an animal lover nor an animal hater, except mosquitoes, I nonetheless don't think humans need modify their behaviour to keep animals - ones they don't even know - content. This does not mean condoning cruelty; I would be perfectly happy to see the perpetrators caught and punished. But cruelty to animals existed before fireworks were invented, and will persist long after they are banned.
Meanwhile, I'd encourage people to go out and enjoy themselves; it's the one time a year when any noise louder than a whisper seems to be permissible. Ban guns, ban smoking if you like - both are lethal; but ban fireworks? Too nannyish by half.
Jno ~ the problem with people joining a debate late is you dont really get the jist as to the main concerns here, the SALE of Fireworks, regardless of whether you like animals or not, the topic was the sale of Bangers to the public.. If you go back to the start read again and you will see what this was really all about and why the insults were directed at 10C all because His/ her attitude was awful they joined in later and then twisted the whole debate around. I give Up !
That is just the point it would not be legislated out of existance just because we no longer let them off in our back gardens. Children could still be taught the meaning of bonfire night and still enjoy the fireworks. I doubt you get much for your money these days and so to pay to watch a display would last longer and you would get more for your money. The jacket potatoes could be cooking in the oven instead of the bonfire (which we don't have in our back gardens these days) for when you get home and that way everyone would be happy. Its just in this country no one seems to like to be told what they can and cannot do even if it does make sense. If people do not want to pay to see a display I am sure you can still see the action from a short distance away.
maggie in the wrong hands, cutlery can be lethal, and occasionally is. That's not a reason for banning knives, forks or spoons. Yes, I know children can get hurt. Children can get hurt by many things. This was true in my own childhood. My parents taught me to be careful with fireworks; and I wasn't hurt. I did get hurt once when I slammed my finger in a car door. That wasn't a reason to ban cars. It was a reason why I should start paying more attention to what I was doing (a lesson I learnt).
Some people argue that the reason young people today seem vulnerable to illness is that they've been overprotected. Rather than being allowed to make mud pies, they live in houses where kitchens are scrupulously disinfected. They grow up never having encountered a germ; and when they do meet one, it knocks them over. They would have been better living among germs and developing their own immunity. I think there's a parallel here. Rather than banning fireworks, teach kids about the dangers and how to protect themselves - and you teach them responsibility and self-reliance rather than cocooning them against all possible risk.
Some things are very lethal - I did say I had no objection to banning guns or tobacco, both of which take a great many lives. But in the list of dangerous objects, fireworks don't even come close.
As for caring - well, it's true I don't have pets, and don't have much interest in animal welfare. But there are other sorts of caring. As I hope I've explained above, I care very much about raising children to cope with a messy life, and about teaching them to take care of themselves. I'd sooner have a child well-adjusted to take his/her place in the world than a pet protected from loud noises by restrictive laws. On that, I guess, we disagree permanently.
jno- If the tradition were kept to the 5th November, I don't think many people would have much of an issue with it. However, given that each year the "5th November" appears to start earlier & earlier in October, that is where I certainly take issue.
With regards to your statement about treating fireworks as firearms appearing all wrong - when people start throwing bangers and lighting rockets to deliberately direct them at objects, people etc - ie, USING them as firearms, not as they were intended this is where, IMHO the line has been overstepped.
Keep fireworks to the 5th & use them properly - acheive this and I think most complaints & concerns surrounding this debate would disappear. Unfortunately, until this happens, I feel it is justified to call for regulations surrounding their sale & use.
In an ideal world this debate would never happen. I agree wholeheartedly that children should be taught about the dangers and how to protect themselves. I also think they should be taught how to respect other people but there are always a few bad apples in a bowl that spoil that for the rest and that being the case you have to try to do whats best for everyone that includes animals in my opinion. They cannot speak for themselves. As I said before if people have to let off fireworks in their garden so be it but on Nov 5th. Then everyone is happy.