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Derbyshire Constabulary Male Voice Choir Asked To Become A Mixed-Voice Group.

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anotheoldgit | 12:53 Fri 06th Apr 2018 | News
59 Answers

Is anyone in agreement with this ridiculous PC nonsense?


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The show won't be over until the Fat Lady sings.
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/// It could be open to all, as long as they have beards. ///

What an all Muslim choir? lol.

I wonder how all the Welsh male voice choirs will take to this.
Hang on you lot, they weren't forced to take in women. They had another option, which they took.
We would have to call them Wench Male Voice Choirs Jackdaw.
What rubbish! I can actually sing Bass (very deep alto)in fact I was chief Bass of our choir in France when MrJ2 joined and then I could return to alto. But there is a resonance that an all male-voice choir brings which a mixed choir can't equal, ditto an all-female choir. There is room for all types of choirs. Mr J2 used to sing with a Welsh male-voice choir - they can't produce that sound with female members and I would be appalled to lose them.

PC gone mad again - form a mixed choir as well and an all-female voice one. Problem solved and more music available to all. :)
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At the moment a lot of ladies wear trousers. Let us have an edict to say that ALL people will wear dresses. ALL Public Toilets will be Multisex thereby saving huge amounts of pubic/public money. Come on guys get with it.
The Derbyshire Community Male Voice Choir has made the right move.
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/// The Derbyshire Community Male Voice Choir has made the right move. ///

Yes but the whole point of it all is, is the fact that they have been forced into making that move and they shouldn't have needed to.
No they shouldn't but they have chosen well and can now get on with what they do best.
They could have just replaced the word 'police' with rozzers, filth, scuffers, busies &c.
Derbyshire Constabulary Male Voice Choir Asked To Become A Mixed-Voice Group. Now to be called Derbyshire Constabulary Mixed Voice Choir.
It's been changed again Ron?

I can't seem to muster up the energy to get worked up about this....

A choir has changed its' name so that it can carry on exactly as it did before and acknowledges that the name-change is not unreasonable?

It was always a mixed-voice choir, altos, tenors, baritones and basses.
To me it clearly shows that the Chief Constable has jack all else to do.

Perhaps there is a saving to be had there?
kin ridiculous
//I can't seem to muster up the energy to get worked up about this.... //

Do you not think it's a bit silly though Jack? Someone saying 'we can't have a male voice choir because we're an equal opportunities employer'.

It's funny right, you've got to concede that at least. Like something from a satire on political correctness?

Constabularies have sports teams. I wonder what approach he's taking to those. Will they be all mixed men/women from now on? What a plonker.
Well said Jackthehat.

At least I'm not alone.

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