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Syrian Air Strikes

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murraymints | 05:33 Sat 14th Apr 2018 | News
151 Answers
Air strikes on strategic sites just completed ...USA , UK and France led the way it seems...good thing ? What russian reprisals will follow ?


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Even Putin isn't stupid enough to start a war he knows he cannot win. Or so we hope.

I'm reading Orders To Kill by Amy Knight atm. Gripping book which details many a political assassination carried out but vehemently denied by the Kremlin.
i was hoping against all hope that it wouldn't come to this, more civilians will be killed i'm sure, just what we don;t want to happen.
A great many more would perish from inaction, Emmie. We go into combat with heavy hearts, and only when there is no alternative and our enemies are impervious to reason.
Very well put NM.
this is how world wars start, don't want that to happen either.
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I'd like to teach the world to sing... :0(
if only we could settle our differences in sport, that would save lives by the bucketload.
But how often would the result be accepted ? Violent conflict is the act of last resort, when no other solution has worked. Always will be. It's not ideal, but it's inevitable.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Exactly johnny.
minty; //"the only necessary thing for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing "....//

Which good men? Trump, May, Macron?
The most appalling news I've heard for years; as far as I'm concerned May is toast and this one staunch Tory supporter switches allegiance to Labour - never thought I would say that, but I must admit that Jeremy Corbyn has been correct on this matter throughout.
Khandro, //this one staunch Tory supporter switches allegiance to Labour - never thought I would say that, but I must admit that Jeremy Corbyn has been correct on this matter throughout.//

I can only hope that's a knee-jerk reaction. I have my doubts about the outcome of this, but don't be so ridiculous as to trust Corbyn with this country's security - or anything else.
Mikey will be turning in his grave, as in my opinion Trump and May come to the fore.
There certainly has been an escalation of chemical warfare against civilians and this cannot be allowed to continue.
What will Russia do next, probably resort to protestations.
Targeted air strikes have my backing.
^^ Targeted airstrikes which are carried out as a last resort in order to preserve humanity.

Decisions to proceed with something like this aren't made at the toss of a coin.
sqad; //There certainly has been an escalation of chemical warfare against civilians and this cannot be allowed to continue.//

What concrete evidence do have for this assertion?
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I fully support the prime minister, the French and US presidents in this.
What lasting effect this limited action will have is unclear. But we had to do something.
How different Trump sounds when he has a prepared speech to read from!
my post from elsewhere;
There is no filmed evidence by any reputable news gathering source that there has been a chemical weapons attack at all. All we have seen are very dodgy bits of videos from mobile phones of non-medical looking faceless young men spraying water on confused youngsters, with a complete absence of their parents. There is no identification of who filmed it or when or where, there is no evidence that this is nothing other than a complete fabrication which would not stand up as evidence in a court of law and you think it is sufficient intelligence to start WW3 ?
Khandro, do you really expect that any intelligence gathered by our secret services will be published?

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